The harbour-vocabullary app is very useful for me. I use it constantly to well… learn new vocabulary.
Today, with the help of seb, we managed to add the first sharing functionality to the Deepfish app: adding the translation results to the harbour-nemosyne database.
We did so by exporting the results to a database created and stored in the $HOME/Documents folder. I’d like to do the same thing with the vocabulary app. This means, take the results from a translation and add them to the words database of the vocabulary app.
But there are a two problems:
- The database is stored in /home/defaultuser/.local/share/harbour-vocabulary/harbour-vocabulary .
- There is no way to use an external database like nemosyne, only a CSV file that you can import.
Therefore the only solution right now that I can see would be to create a CSV file that the user imports with all the translations… but then he could have them duplicated.
Do you see any other option. I also tried contacting the lead dev last week, hopefully he can reply. But maybe the other two developers can see this message and we can work something out !