SFOS customization

AFAIK Aurora OS is not available to the public.

No, I have no clue about aurora os, it never even caught my interest.

To clarify, I’m not even a developer, I’m just a lucky guy who found an OS that doesn’t make too much of an intrusion on my private life.

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yeah i know but some people got devices to test it one of them was in the aurora os post on here and i was wondering because the aurora os devs are working with sfos developers on sfos and thought it might effect sfos security because the aurora os project from what i heard and researched it isn’t secure and was worried it might effect sfos and it’s security and sfos has closed source bits which is already an issue because jolla doesn’t have a lot of employees and money and i’m not sure i can trust the os if the go bankrupt the os will fail with no one to pick it up back a little bit jolla said they cut of all ties with aurora os project but when you look at the updates and changelogs the aurora os developers are working with jolla

ok yeah i wanted to switch to sfos as my main device os but wasn’t to sure about the privacy because from what i found and asked sfos has the same security as android and it isn’t any more secure or private than android ( not the bloated version on most devices )
the only thing that makes sfos a little more private than android is the google tracking or lack of
but if you were looking for a secure os i was searching and found a couple of them
/e/ project
caylx os
graphene os …
they are based on android the open source version and have more support aka android apps work for free and because they are based on android any fix is common
and i also found some linux mobile os
ubuntu touch
kde plasma
pure os …
did anyone try any of them if so how are they compared to sfos ?
and some companies were looking for sfos as the new os for their devices but the switched to their own os which looks like android
oxygon os
does anybody know why ?

I’m going to end this discussion because I think you’re a troll.
so, thank you and good night!/fuck of!

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bro i was asking if you tried any of the other os’s to compare to sfos
i am not going to switch to an os that i didn’t try, that failed before ( meego ) without some comparison i came here to ask didn’t come to troll
and i was trying to help you because when i asked about the security and privacy of sfos nobody switched to sfos because it was more private than android and you said you used it for privacy

if you don’t know or can’t help than don’t answer

Then don’t, I’m sure we can do without you.

i was asking why are you so toxic bro
i asked because there is no other place with info on sfos

Those are quite assumptions.

With all due respect, Aurora OS is irrelevant, and no one cares.

And please be kind, try to periodize. No offence, but your posts are a bit hard on the eye.

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ok thanks for your reply i didn’t find much of info on sfos
so i was asking , looking for info
i didn’t mean any thing bro
i will try making the posts shorter i just wanted to give people the info i had so no one gets confused
and the aurora os i just couldn’t find any info on it and what i found wasn’t that good

I know these are assumptions but wanted to make sure
just all .

At first you ask.about customization and get a lot of answers, then you switch to privacy then to alternate os.
i think its no wonder that people got a bit pissed.

maybe you should have started with privacy first and not fonts :slight_smile:

if you care about privacy, imho leave your phone turned off at home.

cause there is none. With no cellphone, by design. Period

e os removes as much and replaces as many services from google as manageable.

but if the.user then installs whatsup, tripadvisor, facebook, of what use is that ?

imho, apps, google play services, browser are the main issues for privacy, beside the fact that you carry a tracking device with you all the time.

do you clear the session storage.of your browser on closing ? Guess not, i assune …

is sfos more secure then.others ? guess not, but in that nieche it is not the target for viruses, trojans, etc … again an assumption



Sorry @phoenixking Meego didn’t fail, the company and people did, and use google or duck duck for the info u need about jolla, sfos or any , instead of offtopic questions, then u will get decent answers from anyone , greetz.


i said that it wasn’t on the topic of the post and i know because i tried asking these questions on other posts but people didn’t reply thought maybe they didn’t see it and here after my main question was answered people where viewing the post thought maybe someone would read the post and have answers

didn’t want to create a another post because i wanted to keep the feed for people looking for help

and i didn’t say i wanted privacy i user mentioned it and thought i would ask if anybody tried any of the other os’s to compare to sfos

if you think i should make another post about the comparison of sfos and others let me know

and thanks

i didn’t mean that it was a failure what i meant was that it didn’t catch main stream or a big part of the market

i searched the web for as much info as possible but didn’t fined any good info thought i would ask here

and didn’t want to create another post as to keep the feed for important questions to help other people on their devices

didn’t mean no harm or offence just came for answers thats all

It’s great that you’re interested in Sailfish OS @phoenixking. As others have pointed out though, it’s best for all users of the forum if you can keep discussions on-topic. If your original question about customisation has been answered, it’s courteous to and useful for others if you can mark an answer as the Solution.

Privacy is of course a valid topic of discussion, but I’d urge you to create a separate topic about it if you’d like to get a more constructive conversation going about it.

ok thanks i will be sure to create another topic for other qustions