SFOS 4.5 feedback thread

Pure Maps and OSM Scout Server for the win!


Reboot didn’t help. But I already installed some other gallery app via fdroid. And they could acccess SD card

good to know. thanks for the hint.

I tried to install Pure maps via jolla store. There is message it is limited version. And anyway it end up with some error. From which source should I install it ?

Pure Maps v. 3.2.1-1.9.1 by Rinigus is available in Chum.


I would recommend you to install it via Chum. You probably need to install OSM Scout Server for offline tiles and routing too. Pure Maps and OSM Scout Server are both created by Rinigus and available from Chum.

Chum is an additional repository, which build the SFOS apps from source. There is even a GUI App available, where you can easily install apps (like the Jolla Store). More information about Chum.

For hiking there is also the Map App OSM Scout created by Karry ( OSM Scout is a different app besides OSM Scout Server)

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Bluetooth not working - it cannot be turned on (fixed with systemctl restart bluetooth )

Regarding your Bluetooth problem, you could try to reboot the bluetooth stack via: Settings → Utilities (located under Info) → Scroll to bluetooth section and click on the button Restart.
I think this is easier than executing it via bash.

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Overall it seems a good update, I am happy with it. But: sometimes my Xperia 10 dual sim goes bootloop, turning off and turning on by itself. That’s very annoying. Then, WIFI asking very very often to connect to certain network, like it lost it and re-find it. I liked the new battery anti-old feature. Wasn’t in SailfishOS since years, so can’t compare with older releases

I have this issue that WIfi and mobile network switch from the one to the other as seen in the upper status bar of the phone. During these switching network moments, android apps seem to loose internet and the browser also slows to a crawl.
Is there some CLI magic to verify which connection is used?


one like within two minutes should mean that I’m not alone seeing this behaviour.

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I still have network connection issues on the Android side unfortunately. For instance I can load web pages in the native browser but not in Fennec under Android, because the connection times out.

This happens intermittently both on Wifi and on cellular network.

4 posts were split to a new topic: No HW acceleration in video playback

Hello companions,
I did udpate and
I have Xperia XA2 - Dual sim
And I was on trip with this “miracle”.
Here are my experience:

  • bluetooth not working - (fixed with systemctl restart bluetooth)
  • as you recommended I installed navigations app Magic earth and Organic maps.
    And it is completely USELESS. Freezing all the time. The apps were able to run max cca 3 min.
    Then they freeze.
  • flashlight doesn’t work. Start working after restart. But then bluetooth stop working.
    And “systemctl restart bluetooth” was not helping anymore
  • thanks God I had people with normal working phones (not sailfish !!!) with me, so we didn’t lost.
    And they were asking me all the time, what crappy phone I have ? What should I say ?

So my question is, when this will be fixed ?
Or is there some way to revert these last two updates (without reinstaling whole OS) ?


thank you for the nice info and explanation.
So we have jolla store, we have f-droid. but no, it is not enough.
We need some other repository …
Is there some “how to” install the pure maps and OSM Scout Server ?
I remember I already tried to install it via f-droid, and it was long, painful, buggy process with not working app in the end.

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Also have an XA2 Dual; Very happy with it.
I’d recommend you to reflash the
Here, BT ant Flashlight are working perfectly.
I don’t use Android so much but noticed the freezing with Waze a couple of times.

About Navigation, there are some threads that could be useful for the XA2:
Especially this post if you don’t mind using Google to assist your GPS:
And, hardawre wise:

Pure Maps and OSM Scout Server are what I use for daily navigation. They are great IMHO.
But they are native SFOS apps. In that sense, installing the Android version (really exists?) of these apps on SFOS is useless/nonsense.
You should install them with CHUM or Storeman.
Then, if your antenna board is still healthy, you’d be able to navigate,
Even with no connections as you can download the maps you want.
Good luck!


I tried to install pure maps and OSM Scout server.
And encountered problems (I didn’t expect anything else).
What I did:

  • Installed OSM Scout Server from Chum
  • Scout Server complained about missing fonts part. It was not found on chum, I found on Jolla store. So I installed it from there
  • After that OSM Scout Server is able to run. I download maps
  • I installed then Pure maps. That one from Chum complains about something, so i installed it from Jolla store (yes, chaos/mess with repositories. why ? )
  • Now pure maps reports error HTTP status code 500
    Why ? How to solve it ?

this is the first time ive ever had to downgrade permanently. i cannot get 4.5.x.x to be usable.

these are still broken for me:

  • no Element IM
  • no bluetooth at all ever (restarting services and rebooting the phone do not help)
  • no sound in notifications (with ANY other notification of any kind)
  • cannot send MMS at all (receive works fine, send+receive works in 4.4)

this is a shame, because ive been waiting for the MMS ‘waiting’ fix for over a year now and its finally here, except the regressions make it unusable

ive tried: downgrading alien-dalvik on 4.5 (breaks too much stuff), and ive tried upgrading jolla-messages and mms-engine on 4.4 (doesnt fix the ‘waiting’ bug).


Bluetooth - Maybe helpful for troubleshooting, it seems to only affect 64 bit phones.

I can play music over a BT speaker using Xperia 10 / SFOS without any problems using a (cheap chinese) standalone BT speaker that frequently failed on re-pairing on, but now pairing, playing music, disconnect and re-pairing without any problems.

yes, 4.5 is really bad upgrade :frowning:


Whereas I’m slightly disappointed by 4.5 upgrade of it not addressing some problems ( the no mobile data/invalid data status 4100 being one), I wouldn’t call it a ‘bad upgrade’. My experience is rather positive.