September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague

That should be a continuous thing and the main reason I want to meet people from all over the Sailfish community. Are you thinking about having some special time for it?

(L.E. We can also discuss how server-side stuff can help the SFOS community, wiki is one such example but anything can come up;)

Is anyone from Jolla actually attending?

I think a poll would be good. It’d also be nice to be able to split into groups depending on how many people come? I’m thinking if we’re 18 people, that might be too many for just one goal? Too many cooks, so to speak?

Yeah and maybe also a “Stand-Up meeting” every day so people know what (has been) going on, what’s the plan, problems, lunch plan, beer ledger, schedule and such.

As per this morning’s meeting: at least @direc85 and @rainemak


I’ve taken the liberty to add them to the list in the wiki up top. So far 13. Perhaps @flypig will grace us with his presence, too!


Some have asked on channels where to stay. I think it’s not ‘too’ pricey, and I’m staying at which I got for 80 Euro a night. I chose it because it’s a walk through the park to the hackathon and it’s close to @vlagged ( heh :slight_smile:

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