Security updates for Android ?!

As known, there were several security updates in the past for Android. However my Sony Xperia 10 II still running Android 11 with security patch level Oct. 05, 2022. The last official Android 11 update was released February 5, 2024.
How to update?
How to install the current Android 12, which is supported by Sony for this phone.


How to add Sony Updates to Sailfish OS?

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That reads exactly like an ai generated answer. You cannot update the android version in appsupport by yourself

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I use Sailfish OS for a while. Started with a Sony X, then moved to XA2 and now X 10ii.
Why updating? It’s for security reasons and Android support is installed as an app in the Jolla Shop.
By the way: Using insecure apps is not a good idea.

That’s what i thought. The questions still is not answered:

How to update the base Android on SailfishOS with security updates?

You can’t. It’s bad. It should be updated more often, including components like Android webview.

Actually you got 3 “Androids” on your phone. Or better “android leftovers”

  1. The android before you installed sfos, this updated your hardware firmware to certain versions (e.g. The display firmware)
  2. The android you flashed alongside sfos. This is used by sfos to access the hardware
  3. The android in the appsupport container.

And the second of those three can be updated like so:


@thigg, you correctly stated that only a few firmware partitions from “the android before you installed sfos” still exist after flashing SailfishOS: Hence there is absolutely no Android left over from “1.”!

Even more critical is this misconception, because it is a more common one, which already resulted in fundamental misunderstandings:

This is not Android at all: These are the Sony software binaries for AOSP! In the Microsoft Windows world these would be called “drivers”. So technically these are device drivers Sony creates for AOSP (Google’s Android Open Source Project), which SailfishOS is able to utilise.

Thus the only “Android” which may be installed when SailfishOS is installed on a device supported by Jolla is the compiled code from AOSP (“3.”), which is part of AlienDalvik aka AAS (Android AppSupport) and Waydroid (formerly Anbox). The correct term for these products is Android Runtime Environment; nowadays these are all for regular Linux distributions (as Ubuntu or SailfishOS), but AlienDalvik was also available for WindowsMobile and BlackberryOS 10 used an Android Runtime Environment (based on AOSP 4.3) on QNX.

Because this “Android” inseparable from the integration code of these products, it is not separately updatable. Theoretically one may manually update specific software-components by copying their files, but that is extremely error prone and may break the whole Android Runtime Environment.


There is no real Android installed when SailfishOS is installed, hence one cannot update “Android”.


Thanks for the clarification @olf.

As this was about the security patchlevel, all those components are still dependent on sonys android distribution(s) to receive security fixes. And some of those fixes can be passed on by sailfishos, others can’t (yet.)

Updating the stock sony firmware for a device does a ton of stuff, much of it not directly tied to android.

Android patchlevel in the ASOP runtime has nothing to do with Sony.
It’s just Jolla not updating stuff.


AlienDalvik aka AAS (Android AppSupport) and Waydroid are solely based on AOSP (Google’s Android Open Source Project).

And some of those fixes can be passed on by sailfishos, others can’t (yet.)

As @yomark already pointed out all of AlienDalvik aka AAS (Android AppSupport) and Waydroid can be updated by their maintainers.

Updating the stock sony firmware for a device does a ton of stuff, much of it not directly tied to android.

Firmware blobs are not at all “tied” to Android: They are … well, firmware for various microprocessors aside the CPU.

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They are however often accompanied by daemons or initialization binaries of some sort, and those are tied to the Android runtime (libc, linker).

You can see these running on SFOS by finding the PID of droid-hal-init and calling pstree -p <PID>.


From “[Release notes] Sauna”, section AppSupport:

  • Updated to android-security-11.0.0_r74 security patch level

How current is that security update though?
Given that it’s for android 11.

I guess that refers to “Android security backport source code”, in which case it would be from December 2023. This aligns with what it says in the AAS settings on 4.6 Sauna.