Secondhand Sailfish OS

Hi, I bought an used Xperia 10 II with Sailfish OS. I logged into my old Jolla account with it and it seems to check OS updates, allows software install, etc. but trying to install F-Droid or Aptoide just fails. (gives very generic error) I don’t know how to debug this. What might be going on? Does Alien Dalvik require some setup?

edit: or do I need to buy a personal license for the OS?

SFOS can be used for free or with paid license to benefit Android support, predictive text input, etc.
Did the phone you bought have a license?
The license is tight to the buyer’s account AND to the device.

So, if the seller had a license and accepts, they could give/sell you the account so you can use the license.
Or, you can buy a license yourself.
Or, you can use SFOS free version.

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I can buy the license for support. After buying, how can I install the Alien Dalvik?

Alien Dalvik becomes visible in Jolla Store after purchasing a license, tap and install.

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It can be (at least was, for me) long to install. Be patient, it says “installing” and finally works.
I don’t know exactly how long. Last time I did it during watching a movie. So if time unit is ‘movie’, I’d say between 0.1 and 1 time unit. :slight_smile:

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It also can be, that it’s necessary to delete the Jolla account on the phone, reboot and then reinstall the Jolla account, before the Android support + Predictive text input gets visible in the Jolla store. (For the case it doesn’t work as said above)

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Got it work after buying the OS. Took some time but android support appeared to store without tricks. Thanks.