Hello, i have a Jolla Tablet with a broken coremodul.
The plug for the battery is broken.
So i search a working Tablet coremodul.
May be someone sell a Tablet with a broken display?
Many thanks Gabs
If that’s your only issue, get it repaired.
Sorry for beeing incorrect …
Its the plug socket on the board which is broken and i did not find the correct replacement and cannot make the soldering job . Neither found someone who can do it for me …
Presumably you are not in Sweden or i’d do it.
There is a finite amount of connectors that it could be, so most people with some electronics and component ordering experience should be able to look up the part - and do the job.
I’m near Munich (germany)
But i can send you a pm with a picture (tomorrow) of the broken part.
And you can let me know what do you think about it .
Apparently i had nothing better to do, so i disassembled my tablet.
It looks like the part you need is Molex Pico-EZmate 781715006.
Hallo attah, many thanks for the info.
I’ll give it a try and hope that i find someone with better and younger
eyes …
If you find nobody near you in DE, I do those kind of things.
You can also send me a pic if you like. BR
@ric9k and @attah many thanks for your help and support .
I ordered the socket today and when it fits i will ask the Sailfish community here at Munich.
If nobody could help here, i will come back to your offer .
@attah i got my order today and the socket match . Many thanks.
I hope someone from the munich Sailfish community can do the (SMD) soldering …
@attah and @ric9k core module works again - so many thanks for your help.
But update to failed (to less disk space).
Now i have to reset the tablet first, but USB did not work for recovery mode.
I have to open it again and must take a look to the connections (but loading works without any issue ).
Thanks for the news,
Soldering only partially successful?
@ric9k no. Soldering was successful. On my desktop linux i have to configure the USB interface for telnet manually .
Then reset and update works .