I’m running SDK 3.8.3 which has Qt Creator 4.15.2 from revision ecaf63b61a.
I have a helper script to help me with version bumping (it pushes the version in yaml, spec and a few QML files) and I have been utilizing it in my .pro file like so:
VER = 0.1.2
REL = 1
CMD_OUT = $$system(bash update-spec-version.sh $$TARGET $$VER $$REL)
There was no output anymore, and it didn’t have any effect, so I tested with this:
CMD_OUT = $$system(echo Hello Sailfish)
This outputs Project MESSAGE:
and that’s it… Using message(Hello Sailfish)
works fine, though. Then I tested the above using Qt Creator 6.0.2 which I installed separately, and there the echo test command works as expected, as did a small test bash script I wrote.
So it looks like $$system()
isn’t run at all with SDK 3.8.3. It returns no output, and the command has no effect whatsoever. I can run the file manually of course, but it’s a lot less convenient than to have it run automatically.