I am bit puzzled because the screen of my Xperia 10 V under Sailfish OS is very dim.
I set brightness to maximum under settings but the device cannot be used outdoors during the day, except for very cloudy days.
Why does it appear strange to me?
- According to the specifications the screen of the Xperia 10 V should be much brighter than the Xperia 10 iii
- But under Sailfish and maximum screen brightness is much LOWER on Xperia 10 V than on Xperia 10 iii.
- even 2012 Blackberry Q10 is brighter, which is totally confusing and contrary to all published specifications: the HBM of Xperia 10 V should be around 900 nits
Why do I exclude faulty hardware?
- under Android (Stock ROM, rooted and AOSP) the screen is nearly as bright as the current Samsung Galaxy devices, something that reflects the soecified 900 nits HBM
- when I flash back to SailfishOS, screen brightness is crippled again
So it is specifically the combination of the device Xperia 10 V with SailfishOS.
Questions from my side to this:
- is anybody else experiencing the same? Or am I the only one?
- is there a setting under the hood beyond the usual slider in the settings app that can be tweaked to increase screen brightness and get rid of this strange SailfishOS limitation?
Currently the device (which is nice btw) can on the Iberian Peninsula only used indoors or after sunset😭. My hope is that configuration files can help here (and please, NOT the dependency on some Sony pre-alpha blobs that might be available in the year 2525).
What is your experience with the 10 V and screen brightness using outdoors? What does the audience here think?