Sauna: fantastic reminder options for future calendar events

Just noticed a great change to notification options about future calendar events in Sauna. Adding a Septemeber event I was offered various reminder options: a day before, 2 days ahead and a week and 2 weeks ahead options. Cool!

Thank you, sailors!


Thank you for the appreciation.

Indeed, I’ve differentiated the reminder list for the all day events and the normal events. The given reminders for normal events didn’t make much sense for the all day events and let the user wondered when will ring the bell (mostly midnight). I had to choose some times for the new all-day reminders, and settled for noon and 6 pm. I hope it’s convenient enough, since it’s not possible to give many different times without making the reminder list long and unconvenient.

These are proposed reminders for quick selection, but it’s also possible to choose reminders in a manual way (the last entry in the list). Though, manually, it’s only possible to choose a given date and not a relative one.