With sharing plugins being run out-of-process, i mean that the dialog that is provided by the plugin is run in a separate process from the app that invoked it. Example sharing plugin: https://github.com/attah/harbour-seaprint-share-plugin.
So i was wondering what limitations SailJail will put on what those can do, when they themselves have no place to declare permissions. This is mostly in the light of that i invoke SeaPrint from my plugin.
The answers i interpret as that sharing plugins will only ever have base permissions. And the need for doing fancy things in plugins (and making plugins) should be greatly reduced by the upcoming open-with functionality (already available for Android apps). This is what you linked to, but it may get a bit repackaged since it isn’t released/allowed yet.
My sharing plugin was only really ever a workaround, so i’m happy sharing to SeaPrint will become much cleaner and easier. If just in a version or two…