In the December I promised setting up a community wiki and here it finally is, albeit a bit delayed
I’m personally annoyed by how often the same question are asked on this forum because people don’t search or don’t get the answered thread as result. Instead of being mad at the users I want to provide a solution. Additionally, I like Archwiki very much & think it’s more helpful than forum threads or blogposts cluttered over the web. I don’t think the Jolla wiki, while being open for edit on Github, is a good place to cover device problems and suggestions. It also has a bit of an entry hurdle.
So I decided to evaluate several wiki softwares and ended up with Bookstack.
Why Bookstack?
Before doing my research, I would have settled on MediaWiki. But it’s not beginner-friendly. I then tried Wiki.js and Bookstack. Bookstack stood out as by far the most simple to use. It provides image, tabular and reference capabilities which is sufficient for a tutorial wiki. It has both a WYSIWYG and a Markdown editor. The Book/Chapter/Article concept fits well for tutorials. I hope you like my choice, but feel free to tell what you miss or can’t find.
Bookstack docs: Docs · BookStack
I’m not as finished as I’d like with the first thing I’d submit, but you can already see what structure I’d imagined. Problem description → multiple options to solve it.
Future Plans
Currently I’m running this by myself. I hope that the proposed community nonprofit can take ownership.
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