SailfishOS in universities: feedback on experiences

Porting SFOS to dev kit HW would also make for an “interesting” and most likely challenging learning experience but those kits are hell expensive.

Bonus points if they manage to get it working without hybris.

One of the two students’ projects yielded a good app to publish.
I’ve published it to openrepos and the sources on gitlab :
If you guys have any (small-ish) modifications, don’t hesitate to propose them. Goal is to submit it to the Jolla store (and get it approved) before the students presentation.


Great work :smiley: I have a couple of thoughts to give as feedback; is it best to DM you with it (I’d prefer not to post it publicly)? The most obvious question is: does it pass the rpm-validator tests?

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Thanks! Yes, all the checks in the IDE passed, “validation succeeded”.
Go ahead in the DM, no worries. Though, as courses have ended and they’re waiting for their exams, they probably won’t have time for any big changes (and not sure if they want to continue the dev after uni).

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How about including graphs for a better visualization!? :slight_smile:

Thanks. I am not familiar with an official or supported graph api in SailfishOS.
The students did look for one and I guess they found one non-official (might be the one you’re referring or another one), but in any case it was too late to implement for this particular project.

Is there a list of APIs for charts in SFOS? Something official (from Jolla or FLOSS from QT that works in SFOS) ? Because 3rd party libraries have a tendency to become unmaintained quite quickly and that’s not good for class.

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I can see the headline now, students get innocuous looking weight tracking app approved in Jolla Store, steals all private data and controlled via telegram. :smiley:

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Here is the second students group’s app: a weather app for France using Météo-France API.
It’s on openrepos and sources on gitlab:

That’s it for the projects this year :smiley:
Hopefully a startup-pack would be available by them as I’ve seem @jojo starting a thread about existing documentation. I’ll see until then how I can help in curating a document for students for next year.


I’ve written a summary of this experience in an article in my blog. Mainly same stuff as what I’ve talked about here.

Hopefully next fall, I can propose new projects and students choose them.


Hi all again !

Do any of you have some ready-to-use resources to present SFOS in class ?

In one of my courses, I have a project where each group of students have to design, specify and implement the same project on a different platform.
As no one know about SFOS, no one chose it first, and one group was chosen by me for this platform.

However, I need to present to this group the platform (UI/UX mainly), and its technology stack (as you can imagine, they’re quite worried to fail because other groups got Android or iOS or web, things they already saw in other courses).

I’ve found the many tutorials and videos online, but I’d like a few slides or documents about the UX/UI philosophy (something already in presentation format spirit).


wouldn’t the official documentation be of help?
Application Development - SailfishOS Documentation :slight_smile:

Yes. I was hoping for something more ready to use, and more adapted to undergrads.

also, if you need some old SFOS phone/s, maybe ask here. I believe few people would be glad to help you :slight_smile:

Building-beautiful-applications-in-sailfish.pdf is a presentation on the Sailfish UI, although I cannot find a link for it.
For the technology stack you can use
And you can look for older clips on sailfish development ( including Theme cheat sheet
Silica cheat sheet
Icon reference
Example code
And maybe this link is helpful

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If you specify a bit more what you need, I guess the forum might just stich something together for you :wink:

Thanks all for your replies and recommendations. I should now have everything to do a quick overview presentation of SFOS along with demos using my devices.
I have enough devices now for uni (2), and I’ll be sure to come back here if I need more in the future. Thanks !


Hey @rgrnetalk , could you add those and other links you find meaningful to the [Wiki][Documentation] Inventory of existing SFOS documentation topic ? I think it could be helpful for others in the future.

@orangecat, was there a reason not to use the Sailfish-SDK and its emulator on a desktop computer (instead of single, personal phone)?
The single phone is then sufficient to look at the results in “real life”, but not necessary for development.

@Laurent.Schumacher, note that “Ubuntu Touch” has been killed by Canonical years ago and has become a purely community-based effort (with one to two handful of developers) called “UBports”.

I’m doing both. They’ll use the sdk and emulator but also the phone too. You can’t actually feel the UX of SFOS without an actual device and the full software set and performance.


Anyone having more luck than me with the resources from the community event recap (Theme&Silica cheat sheets, Icon ref)?

The links from give me a “404 Not found” :frowning: