Sailfish.Share API Documentation

Hi there!

I read in a blog post that there is a new API to share between apps. In one of my apps I show dates and I would like to add the option to add a date to the calendar. Is there some documentation on the share API that would help me to understand how to use the API?

Thanks =)


Sorry, the documentation is still making its way to the documentation website. We will try to publish it there asap.

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Hi. I donā€™t think that sharing API is the right choice for that. Its purpose is to share data outside the phone. And I believe that there is no calendar sharing plugin. For opening event in calendar, I would suggest you to write it to VCalendar file to temporary location and open it (just call xdg-open with that file as argument)ā€¦


Thanks for all the replies.
@karry I guess that is a good solution, if you know how to create a temp file :sweat_smile: in SailfishOS.
Can I use
QString filename=ā€œData.txtā€;
QFile file( filename );
if ( )
QTextStream stream( &file );
stream << ā€œsomethingā€ << endl;

Within the home directory?

I have created vCalendar files before but with PHP.

or in cpp as here:

Thanks again! I hope I have time on the weekend to check that out =)

probably simplest way from c++:

  QTemporaryFile *tmpFile = new QTemporaryFile(
    QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + "event-XXXXXX.ics", 
    this); // destructed and file deleted with this object

  if (tmpFile->open()) {
    QTextStream stream( tmpFile );
    stream << "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" << '\n'
           << "..." << '\n'
           << "END:VCALENDAR" << '\n';

    qDebug() << "Opening" << tmpFile->fileName();
    if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl("file://" + tmpFile->fileName())) {
      qWarning() << "QDesktopServices::openUrl fails!";
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Thanks to all the help. I got it working =)

I did one modification to @karryā€™s code:

if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("file://" + tmpFile->fileName(), QUrl::TolerantMode)))

Is your code available? Iā€™m looking at a temporary fix for adding timetable entries to the calendar from fahrplan.

Yes it is. You can find it on GitHub. I hope it is understandable and helpful. In case you see an option to improve the code let me know!

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Thank you! Updating against the new KCaldendarCore stuff is non-trivial :wink:

I wondered if you, or perhaps @Sikarjan, had an idea of how to insert in the stream if you have to iterate at some point. Iā€™ve had to strip html fragments since they seem to get jumbled in the QML richtext display in the Calendar app. In the main, I had the problem with newlines being stripped if I try to aggregate my ā€˜Description:ā€™ bit. Itā€™s a bit of a monster, so donā€™t worry if itā€™s too painful. I have to think about the message too, so Iā€™m revising this as I go.

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I am only a very little skilled hobby programmer but I would like to help out.

Did you verify that the event you are creating is valid? Take the log put it in a text file and see if you calendar app can read it properly. I remember that it was very helpful for me to read the vcal specification.

The other thing I noticed is that I am using \r\n to create a new line where you are only using \n.
Not to sure what you mean by iterate. I am creating a string on QML side that I pass to the C++ code, which creates the temp file. Iterating to create a string should not be an issue. But might be that I did not get your point.


Iā€™m creating files that are imported properly. Itā€™s just that the description: field is generated dynamically and should contain newlines. Anytime I created a field with ā€˜\nā€™ line endings within variables (QString) the stream would be stripped of the newlines. I belived I tried ā€˜\r\nā€™ too, but Iā€™ll try that again :slight_smile:

One variation was to construct

    for ( const auto& i : slist  )
        aDesc.append( i + "\n" );

Another operated in << In any case, a simple QString with no newlines works without problems.

A QString, with no newlines, but with html in it becomes messed up.