Sailfish SDK on NixOS?


has anyone experience with installing the SailfishOS Application SDK on NixOS?
Has anyone ever even tried?
Because the normal installer won’t run on NixOS (by design), so I’m wondering what would be the best solution to install it (there are five possibilities mentioned here)

Thanks in advance!

Did you eventually solve this issue? A simple escape hatch is to use Distrobox.

No, I didn’t solve it yet. Thanks for the hint with Distrobox, I need to try that. But I wonder, would the SDK even be able to connect to the BuildVM and physical device if it runs in distrobox?

Maybe. But perhaps it gives you some trouble.

Another possibility is to use a FHSUserEnv within NixOS.

I can try to lend a hand to package it, if I know how!

You can also open an issue on NixPkgs and someone might package it.