Sailfish OS still alive?

This is the state of Sailfish for quite some time and it will probably not change in the foreseeable future. I think with those remarks Sailfish is not the OS for you …

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I read this forum very often and observe the development of SFOS. 15 years ago I banned MS Windows from my and my family’s private devices. I use only Linux distributions for all things. The next step is to avoid Google with Google Services. So I bought a VollaPhone and tested all available Linux OS. SFOS seems to be outdated - Qt, the official browser etc. but the community and my needs are so I like expect. Unfortunately the device is not the perfect thing. 4GB RAM is too less for SFOS and Waydroid. The sim cards recognition has to be corrected. In general I would buy an official support and support Jolla with this step.
I’m a little bit SFOS fan and hope the company will lose all problems

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