No problem also!, no, I did not click your “About” on your site, I saw “Blogs” and thought here we go!, but hey, anyone can make a few webpages posing as being legitimate and still be posting spam all over the place.
I admin for a software site that offers up SailfishOS apps from and by users of SFOS, I kick spammers off at least 5 times a day, from penis pills to window cleaning, but mainly they post under the guise of “bloggers” or as a small business, most of which does not belong on a software site, so yes, I am instantly suspicious, so few are genuine, even those with their own “websites”.
I can’t help with technical details regarding your question. I would go as far to say; I don’t think SFOS is reliable enough for commercial/industrial applications, in my limited opinion. Perhaps others here will chime in. Good luck!