Sailfish on Xperia XA2 troubleshooting, storage size

Hallo, can someone help me?
I have installed sailfish on Xperia Xa2 few days ago, I proceeded using the installation guide from sailfish official webside. After successfull instalation i discovered issue with internal storage. Used phone has 32 Gb internal storage but in settings says, that internal storage is around 18Gb. Has anyone idea, what could be issue here?

I not really good in english, so if there is someone from Czech Republic or Slovakia, who would be willing to help me, please conntact me via email:

Thanks for answare.

Unfortunately that is the way it is.
The flash to SFOS did not overwrite (make use of) the Android firmware partition which is quite huge (10-12GB).

So you need to live with that relative small available user space (for me the same since Jolla1/JollaC/XA2) …

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Ok, thanks for the answare.

You are welcome.

I also see that you have a standard (may get soon™ too small!) root size.
So if you and cli of linux are good buddies (console and some file system knowledge) you may follow olf’s guide
and increase your root (hereby even limiting the home even more).


Is it impossible to resize the home partition to utilize the unused space? Why is nobody talking about this?

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Have a look here:

Chapter 3.3 and be very careful please!
(for me it worked on a Xperia 10)

edit: I suggest to read the whole page carefully, it contents a lot of important information.

There is also this solution:

Read carefully before making your choice though.

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Interesting, I remember in the 3.3 times, making a ranty post about having to fix that partition manually with e2fsck, finding the exact extents needed to get a 5GB partition. I haven’t changed anything on that XA2 since then and it’s still rocking along even on 4.5, for whatever that’s worth. This method looks a bit easier, just a shame it has to be done at all.