They shouldnt be advertising that image … try this one instead
will give it a try now. thanks !
do i need to whipe the partition first or can i just install it over it ?
i did actually just reused the partition as is and now booting sfos ends in twrp
booting into vollaos seem to work. so i have a retry, thank god
did now try 3 times and i do always endup in twrp
Which volla-os version is installed?
PPR1.180610.011 dev-keys is build number is custom build-version
puh that was tough:
- needed to install boot manager, then only could create successfully a new sfos rom and use it.
-, flash lk …
- now i am on your recomended image
update: i can confirm that light sensor and proximity sensors are now working.
I had one freeze so far, when trying to create a new mail (or better) fix an mail account
Just a quick note that piggz’ 4.1 is working quiet well on Volla (and GS290) … I went (I believe he did too) with, install clean VollaOS 9, upgrade to 10 and then download the artifact at: run-build-lvm-devel (#1579744269) · Jobs · sailfishos-porters-ci / yggdrasil-ci · GitLab …
Unzip that, run the flash script. Worked great.
I can finally do proper testing of aarch64 AND with SFOS 4.x
EDIT: Restore from backup didn’t get all the way through (People contacts were not imported)… but almost Since it’s never worked entirely for me, I wasn’t that hopeful
It did, also, after successfully importing gallery ‘freeze’. I had to hard boot the device.
EDIT2: Stability wise, everything is great. I did have to update from the devel repos but piggz has been fixing stuff constantly. thumbs up.
EDIT3: Like everyone else whose running 64bit I’ve now realized how many apps are no longer available … sigh.
Q: How can I enable or perform update from to on a Volla phone? To be precise, it’s a Volla Phone, not a Volla Phone X.
I bought the Volla as used with Volla OS installed and could successfully install SFOS using UBports installer on a Linux computer. UBports installer asked me, what system I want to install (out of 4 options, I choosed SFOS), and then downloaded and flashed in one process without asking me anything else, downloading SFOS fresh from the internet.
Also I made an own Jolla account for the Volla, and entered the cred’s into the phone’s accounts. Jolla Shop, Storeman and chum are successfully installed and working.
But the Volla phone doesn’t see the update in Settings/Updates. It still says ‘no updates available’.
How can I perform the update in another way or by CLI? Or have I to wait for an update provided by UBports and/or reflash the device as soon as is available there? What can I do?
@Seven.of.nine you have to wait for port for Volla phone.
@piggz is maintainer of this port.
Updating can be done with ssu and zypper alone. But 4.4 isn’t out yet. When it is it’ll be:
ssu re && ssu ur && zypper ref && zypper dup
Of course, you can do it one line at time to see if it’s going to work And I just bother piggz on irc … oftc#sailfishos … but I haven’t bothered him about this yet …
piggz told me he will work on 4.4 update very soon
What have I to do on the Volla phone if it’s out ? Will it work by Settings /updates like on Sony phone?
@piggz Many thanks for this wonderful port, it is really wonderful!!!
Wait until i update packages, then the process is
ssu re
ssu ur
zypper ref
zypper dup
Thank you @piggz , I will do so. But how do I know that the update is ready and that it’s time to run the commands? Will you post here? or shall I have a look at another site?
Ill post it here… devel: channel is updated already, and seems to be ok, ill say when its promoted to testing: (for users)
Video recording bug remains though is now available for Volla and Volla-X
Make sure you are already up to date:
zypper ref
zypper dup
Then update:
ssu re
ssu ur
zypper ref
zypper dup
Works like a charm! Thanks very much!
edit: to make more precise what worked like a charm:
before the first zypper ref+dup: devel-su
between the first zypper ref+dup and the second block of commands: a reboot
yottagram share plugin caused a conflict, had to uninstall it.
- phone works
- waydroid works
might be related to 4.4. and not the port:
- i have lost the avatars in phone / contacts app
- patchmanager did stop to work for me
What can I do to reduce keyboard height? It covers too much of screen content.
For experiment, I installed the patch ‘smaller keyboard’ by @ichthyosaurus from Patch Manager. This worked, but since this try, the font size in Internet Browser has changed, especially on the SFOS forum homepage (this homepage), despite it’s deinstalled meanwhile. (keyboard large again, but larger font on this forum page persists).
The ‘Smaller Keyboard’ patch is only for version -, how can I do this by CLI, that ‘Smaller Keyboard’ did?
And the top 1 cm of the keyboard is empty because Volla has no predictive text input. Can I also remove this unused area and free it for screen content?
Here is the source of the “smaller keyboard” patch: sailfish-public-patch-sources/sfos-patch-keyboard-smaller-keyboard at master · ichthyosaurus/sailfish-public-patch-sources · GitHub
I don’t have SFOS 4.x so I can’t help you there .