Sailfish Community News, 6th March 2025 - MWC 2025

Sailfish OS update from Jolla

The feedback from the Sailfish 5.0 has been good. After last fortnight we have done one update release for 5.0 to iron out some issues. You have been asking after Jolla C2 protective sleeves (covers) and we did receive a small batch of colourful sleeves: pink, green, white and red – soon available in the shop :crossed_fingers:. Currently transparent protective sleeves for Jolla C2 are almost out of stock, but we’re waiting for a bigger batch to fill the stock.

We are aiming to create one Sailfish update release during month of March – carefully also listening your feedback. We do have already some good fixes cooking up – one to mention is the audio delay issue that one can see with Signal or Zoom calls when using AppSupport. Like commented in last week’s community meeting, we’re also figuring out a way to deliver AppSupport for Xperia 10 IV and 10 V to enhance usability of these devices. We recognize this shortcoming and try to sort this out. We’ll revert to this topic – maybe by next fortnight.

Jolla and are taking on Big Tech at Mobile World Congress 2025, where we had the pleasure of welcoming Permanent Secretary Minna Kivimäki from the Ministry of Transport and Communications. We showcased how Mindy, the world’s first fully private, customizable AI assistant, is setting a new standard for personal AI. We’re present in the Finland Pavilion at MWC 2025: Hall 5 / 5J45.

Repository roundup

Web browsing

Network, communication and telephony stack


Main interface

Low level libraries

Developer’s corner

Please feed us your news

As always, please do not hesitate to share your ideas, thoughts, or suggestions for future newsletter topics.

Let’s keep working together!

Please do also join us at our community meetings on IRC, Matrix and Telegram. Worth to remind that Matrix bridge is really handy. The next community meeting will be on the 13th March.


Are you sure she isn’t one of the EU’s surveillance fascists cabal?
Well, I know very little about Finnish politics, but wherever those politicians appear, it makes me worried. And I’m pretty sure many of them want to stop projects like yours Mind2.


Good edit, as we have plenty plenty of actual (surveillance or no) fascists in Europe now.


Once the AppSupport lands on 10 IV / V, it’s very close I’m able to run it as my daily driver! I didn’t expect a new update so soon, but I have to say it sounds promising having the next update on March.

I don’t want to get too deeply into politics, but her post isn’t political. She’s a member of Green League, an opposition party known for attracting former members of Finnish Pirate Party. I confused her with a person of the same name - she doesn’t seem to have any obvious party ties. I wouldn’t expect too much from the meeting, but perhaps Jolla staff was able to plant some seeds of thought. :wink:


Looking forward to pulseaudio update!

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Hopefully we would all benefit from that. :wink:

Menaing, I do not doubt Jolla’s intentions, only the politicians’ intentions.

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The PulseAudio update is more like for the next major release at least that’s the current thinking.


I hope the move to pipewire will happen someday soon, maybe after the Qt6 port release is done.


I hope the move to pipewire will happen someday soon, maybe after the Qt6 port release is done.

Global Warming apparently delays the freezing over of Hell, so yeah, that’s a possibility.


I know the Qt6 port is a meme, but with Jolla’s restructuring and the split in SailfishOS v5, the mobile version is no longer tied to other branches, so hopefully they can do it by this year (it will be a huge pain to port so old Qt5 code to Qt6)

Isn’t all the Qt6 work/commits related to the open source UI that can run on SFOS (can’t remember the name)