Sailfish Community News, 29th August 2024 - C2 update

I’d say it’s between 10 to 15 minutes.

Ah, then I merely suck at lines :slight_smile: I think I have a propensity to repeat myself.

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Thank you for another issue of the Community News and for the work on the new devices!

This was in an older Community News, so I’m just a month late, but…

You have been asking after official Mastodon presence 8. Yes, we’re diving into the Fediverse. Follow us @Jolla on jolla ( - TechHub 15 for all things Jolla and Sailfish OS.

Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate you putting in the effort to cater to those of us who don’t hang around much in BigTech channels.

I’d also like to mention your videos being available on Peertube, because I haven’t seen that yet here on the forum.

Many thanks to Fri programvaru-syndikatet for mirroring (with permission) the vids about Mind2 on their instance!


Well, this will be impossible to beat it for me :grinning:. Sometimes I use the right word from previous game and this time it was right too. But I don’t know where to see the score.


The score referred to the game lines