Sailfish Community News, 25th August, Coffee

Will Discourse upgrade bring dark mode? :slight_smile:

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Minor correction regarding MPRIS: Amber.Mpris was already allowed when Sailfish OS 4.4.0 was released. For some reason that didn’t make the headlines at the time, but it’s there already. Documentation is available at Amber MPRIS - Sailfish OS.


Another question - what about official SFOS QML bindings for Rust? Maybe based on

Thanks for featuring me. If you want you can download Sailing to Java from this github release already


I’m told that the authors of qmetaobject-rs will be deprecating their library. They seem to be working on cxx-qt now.

I cannot imagine Jolla exposing official SFOS QT bindings any time soon, given that there’s no “one” Rust-Qt library.

I think some official Rust support (and occasional updates) would be great, however :wink: That said, I should continue working on my Rust 1.61 update…


An implementation of the Flood game is also included in the Android port of Simon Tatham’s Puzzles (available with the name “Puzzles” on F-Droid). It’s an excellent puzzles app.

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What about Ambience White on Black?

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I didn’t try on phone. Great if it works. But I don’t find anything in that direction on this Discord on “PC” platform. Any ideas?

Sorry for a dumb question, but how do I send a coffee (i.e. donation) to the dev? Is there a single platform (link, please) or every dev has different approach?

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There are different approaches.
But often, you can find how to donate or contribute in the “about” of your favorite apps.
There is also this thread which contains links for coffees:


Yeah, not a dumb question at all, but a very good one. Just as @ric9k points out, different devs provide different routes, and some don’t yet provide any at all. As well as the “about” page that @ric9k has already mentioned, I’d also suggest checking the app’s OpenRepos page as it’s common for app maintainers to post links there as well.

For devs publishing on Chum, there is a metadata field for donation links:


Thank you for the informative post, making technicalities clear to non-techies. A lot of coffee news, I hope to see the sailing-to-coffee project take off and its author popular in the thank you thread. Oh, and thank you for endorsing the thread early on, that does make a difference.


I haven’t tried, but Firefox UserCSS works in principle on Sailfish Browser.

So you could try something like
But I guess UserCSS is a topic for another thread.

[EDIT:] yes that does work, except for some elements like embedded content.


I was told that I’m mistaken. They’re working on something else now. This is maybe a useful table:

I use this css for this forum - It’s some discourse dark theme from which I modified to work better with this forum.

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Thx! In testing. For now it looks good.

I pulished Flood to Java in openrepos, as jolla store approval is still pending.


It is now also published in the jolla store


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