Sailfish Community News, 23rd January 2025 - Jolla C2 next batch available

Hopefully, and I deeply wish so.
But considering the alpha status blobs I am skeptical, very skeptical…
though I tend to be the mire optimistic guy

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This is a very unclear message: nothing to update means the situation is as mentioned by @MeeGo-Junky: the blobs are still in alfa status. However, nothing to worry about means the situation as mentioned by @rubdos: IV an V will get the update.
Or does nothing to worry about means: we’re working on it, don’t worry we’ll release a version somewhere this year … or maybe next.


Soo, what does this do actually?
And which commands from the default configuration allows one to see the effect?
I did (and yes, using mce-1.116.0):

mcetool --set-wakeup-sensor-mode=enabled
mcetool --set-low-power-mode=enabled
mcetool --set-powerkey-blanking=lpm
mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket,hover-over
mcetool --set-blank-from-lpm-on-timeout=25

But am not sure what to look for.

When I tested the LPM on the C2, I had the problem that when a call came in, the screen turned off immediately, so I couldn’t answer the call. Maybe it was a misconfiguration from my side that leads to it and when not hopefully this is fixed in the new version.

@rainemak Thanks for the good news! One question immediately came to my mind… is the new batch of Jolla C2 the exact same hardware as the first one, or what differs?


I’ll try to clarify again. @rubdos is right that 10 IV and 10 V will receive Sailfish 5 as well. Current free version is However, that does not imply that we would have new vendor blobs – I can almost certainly say that we do not have new vendor blobs at the time when we release Sailfish 5 for all supported devices (early access release).

That said, I do have Xperia 10 V in use with not working fingerprint and camera (also broken battery charge level). Just last week we realized that we have not yet enabled low-memory-killer for 10 IV and 10 V. Threshold values need to be configured as well.

List of supported devices can be found from Supported Devices | Sailfish OS Documentation


Thanks for the Update, no news from Mind2 Team this week?

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if i where you i would honor this great app to get an estimate of the battery level on xperia 10 iv and v in community news: battInfo for Xperia 10V | — Community Repository System


Repos show good activity.


Does the new batch come with already flashed?


Hello, the link to “Community Phones” at Jolla is to:

This returns a

# Not found

The page you requested could not be found

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…take this link


Some devices (like some / most Sony phones) have problems with proximity sensor if the sensor is kept constantly enabled. Typically it gets stuck in some state, which then makes e.g. at-ear blanking during calls misbehave.

As a workaround for these devices utilize “on-demand” proximity sensor mode. Unfortunately this then means that lpm / glance / sneak peek mode does not really work as it requires constantly up to date proximity sensor state.

Now, it looks like C2 too does not like to have its p-sensor constantly powered on, but fortunately C2 also has support for some android wake up / pick up / glance type sensors. One of these can be used for waking up the device to lpm when display is off and proximity sensor disabled.

Basically that devices with on-demand-ps + wakeup-sensor work almost like devices with p-sensor that can be constantly powered on. Most notable difference being: how do you make device that is lying on table show date and time in lpm? By picking the phone in hand, or by waving hand above the sensor area.

Also: in lpm double tap works without touch panel hw / drivers supporting double tap wakeups. So, having phone go to lpm when it is picked up / taken from pocket somewhat remedies lack of real double tap support too.

Note that you also need sensorfw-qt >= 0.15.0 (and depending on device type also hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-hal or hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-binder package).

What I’ve used to enable this on C2 is:


Thank you for noticing. Fixed now.

Here’s a link to a shopping cart that contains Jolla C2 with a screen protector and a protective sleeve. Price €319 plus shipping including Finland VAT 25.5%, your local VAT is applied at checkout.

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It was not possible to order them in one package with the new batch a few hours ago. Could I order silicon and screen protection separately?

yes just remove the other items from the shopping cart that was posted here

oh i replied to early. unfortunately that doesn’t work. it wants a minimum of 1 of every item… if you press the - button, but the trash icon removes it. so yes it works

It seems that it’s not possible to set quantity of C2 to zero.

yes i thought so too, but the trash icon does the trick