Sailfish Community News, 18th January - Community Event

While updates on the “small” stuff/libs are nice and welcome i’d love to know if there is any work done or planned on the big stuff of SFOS.

LIke the compositor, maybe systemd, and that lot.


@pasik I’d like to join the event!

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I @Louis would love to join the FOSDEM community event on Saturday together with a friend Daniel (not on this forum).

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seems like everybody forgot about Dre pulseaudio
I remember being told that J upgrades on even versions, but we have v17 now and SFOS is on v14


I would like to attend please. richieeee/ Richard


I don’t know for sure, of course, but might be related to the low recordings base volume?

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i, @smatkovi/sebastian would also like to join the event :slight_smile:

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Can you be more precise?

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Attending a meeting / conference could be interesting I would think but I won’t be taking someone’s spot there.

I think I have no right being there for I’m not active enough here, still haven’t been able to attend an IRC meeting, and life is still getting in the way in some way ; ) Also: I don’t have the means to get to Brussels. Besides I’m representing more the kind of group of people who don’t know much as you’ll see in my messages on here.

I hope and pray things will go well for you and that you will have a blast.


There are libraries and components of SFOS that are dated and could use a bit of an update. Those affect many other areas of SFOS -and considered big work items- and i just wanted to know if there are any news, plans or discussions about them.

Ie. even localization is problematic with SFOS (for example i cant have word prediction in my native language). Our systemd is old and newer versions introduced features that could come handy etc.

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I see. So base system updates.

IIRC there are one or two key components blocking upgrades of a few crucial libraries, which then cascades through the whole OS.


AFAIK there is some reported work on OpenSSL 3 series, but that is all I know; as for systemd, it heavily relies on newer kernels, so Jolla would have to either:

  • Drop support for the Xperia X (they refused to upgrade it to 4.4 or 4.9, even if the code is available)
  • Patch the living daylight out of systemd

For the compositor, I am not sure what you mean there or are looking forward to. Qt upgrade for newer QtWayland is never going to happen.

Hmm, this could be the proprietary plugin more than anything. Maybe a feature request would help?


You can write your own compositor without a toolkit as far as i understand and then there are libraries that help with that (wlroots). Bigger task than using a toolkit but i don’t see another way forward since QT is not going to be updated anytime soon.

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I’d also like to attend the event please! (David Llewellyn-Jones/@flypig)


I am more then curious about the OS upgrades, let’s see what comes out !


Update regarding the Sailfish Community Event venue. We have a booking to Vinomania at 19:00 on Saturday 3rd February. Address: Fernand Cocqplein 22, 1050 Elsene, Brussels. Looking forward to see you there!

There are few seats still left. Please enroll by replying your name/nick with a message that you’re joining if you haven’t already done so.


I would love to join the event as well, if there is a spot left still (Nico/deepbluev7/@KuroNeko )


@PeperJohnny, @szopin, @rubdos, @ljo, @Nokius, @cybette, @steph, Cartson Munk, @WerkWolf, @poetaster, @Saaientist, @veskuh, @pasik, @Louis, @richieeee, @smatkovi, @KuroNeko: You are all on the list for Vinomania on Saturday evening :tada:

Could you please reply here if you have any dietary requirements. There will be a mixture of options, but the restaurant would like an idea in advance.

@rainemak, @pvuorela, @Thaodan: any dietary requirements for the Jolla team?

@rubdos: would you mind please checking dietary requirements for @steph, Carston and @Nokius please?

As @rainemak mentioned above, there is still space in case anyone else wants to join last minute.


No requirements, thanks!

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No dietary requirements for me. Thanks.