Sailfish Browser launches with error since


the following happens since update to (with XA2 Ultra)

when launching the browser from its desktop icon i get a screen message with yellow border stating “Server not found”, whatever the site is

when launching from the terminal “sailfish-browser” it opens correctly

in both cases the opening time that was somehow long with previous versions is know unbelievably long of times, up to several minutes

another point is that the Browser seems to have disappeared from the Jolla store so i cannot update it to see what happens

If you have enabled developper mode, in terminal:

pkcon refresh
pkcon update

Test if it works normally. If not. Try in terminal:

pkcon install sailfish-brower --allow-reinstall

Was Sailfish Browser ever in the Jolla Store to begin with?, I think not. Reinstalling by terminal is the way to remove/install sailfish-browser as just suggested by @phklrz

I cannot reproduce this on my Xperia 10 II under, browser functions as expected.

thanks for the quick answer

attention phklrz
pkcon refresh
pkcon update
i get
“No packages require updating to newer version”
and still the server not found problem
pkcon install sailfish-brower --allow-reinstall
it is not better
same behvior as before (even after a rebot)

attention Edz
“Was Sailfish Browser ever in the Jolla Store to begin with?, I think not”
i do not really know, maybe it never was

use the (@ symbol before users name) @jeanpierrraubry to get another users “attention”.