Sailcord thread

This is a support thread for my new application Sailcord. It is an unofficial Discord client for SailfishOS. Keep in mind it is in beta, and Discord itself is not open-source or privacy-friendly.

Download on OpenRepos. View sources on GitHub.


Nothing provides … required by

10 III,

Can you try installing the app manually using RPM from here? Might be a Storeman issue


I ignored depends using zypper and it seems to work fine


The question is, why is there a dep on an X11 library?

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I have no idea at the moment. I will check my spec file for any issues with that, though i need to say that no error popped up on my Jolla C in Storeman.

I checked the dependencies for armv7hl and aarch64 RPM files and only aarch64 one includes libXau. I will try to find what is the actual dependency which needs libXau.

Found the problem, and it was with packaging Pillow. I think I will make it a dependency outside my virtual environment and use it with Requires: python3dist(pillow) in SPEC file.

Instead of using Pillow as a normal dependency, I used a line from harbour FAQ and now this issue is fixed.


Since the last reply there were a couple of new app updates. Here are the highlights of them:

  • Attachments display, download and share support. Only pictures can be displayed for now, but all of them can be downloaded and shared
  • Replies and forwarded messages are shown now
  • Proxy support
  • About user page

There were of course many other small improvements and bugfixes. If you want a full list of them, check out GitHub releases or OpenRepos changelog


On C2 I could install Sailcord via Storeman and it starts, but I get an error “page not found” and it doesn’t matter if I use WiFi or mobile data …

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Please send me the logs. To do it, enable developer tools, open Terminal application, type sailjail -p harbour-saildiscord.desktop /usr/bin/harbour-saildiscord >> ~/sdslog.txt 2>&1. After that wait for newly opened Sailcord app to appear and close it once the error is displayed, finally in terminal click Ctrl+C, wait a few seconds and close it. Then send me a newly created file located in your home folder called sdslog.txt. If you are uncomfortable to send it here, you can send it me in PMs, my telegram group or discord server.


WoW thank you very much for your fast reply … Here is the output of the log as I xan’t upload the file as a binary one, just jpg and picture stuff is allowed for uploading


Warning: "shell none" command in the profile file is done by default; the command will be deprecated
constructing /run/firejail/mnt/privileged:  ...
mounting /run/firejail/mnt/privileged @ /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged
hiding /run/firejail/mnt/privileged
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
Error EUID_ROOT:seteuid(root): main.c:175 clear_atexit: Operation not permitted

Hmm, Python interpreter doesn’t seem to start for you. Could you please try this:

Run one of these commands (try both):

  1. sailjail -p harbour-saildiscord.desktop /usr/bin/harbour-saildiscord
  2. harbour-sailcord

Then wait a minute or two and close the Sailcord app. Return to the Terminal app and check if it contains lines similar to these (this time logs will be inside the Terminal app, not in a file):

2024-11-12 19:21:09 INFO     discord.client Logging in using static token.
2024-11-12 19:21:10 INFO     discord.http Found user agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, build number 342968.
2024-11-12 19:21:12 INFO     discord.gateway Connected to Gateway (Session ID: ??????).

The output of the commands I will post as screenshots in this and a following post as I have a restriction to embed more than one picture … The lines you mentioned don’t appear in neither command, but error output that some dependencies are not found …

Screenshot from second command …

Sorry, indeed, it is a bug in my app, especially version 0.5.1. It looks like I broke login by mistake. As a workaround you can use older version 0.5.0 and update to 0.5.1 afterwards. I’ll try to make a quick release with the fix as soon as I can.


Just pushed update 0.5.2 with the fix. You can get it in OpenRepos (Storeman). Sorry for inconvenience


Hi … First of all please excuse me, that I write so late, but I had as a new user a posting ban for 18 hours by the system. I really really thank you so much for your patience and support. I can cobfirm that I found today your update in storeman and after updating works your app like a charm in SFOS 5.

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Login not possible after fresh install on and XA2.

I guess I should w8 for the browser update on Sailfish OS 5 first, right?

Hello! This is a known issue, you can see it in app’s README. In short, you should do one of these:

  • update to ESR91 beta
  • manually login using token (instructions in app’s README)

I have a little question about notifications … I use sailcord now om my C2 as a daily driver as I have 2 own servers and am a member in lot different other servers on Discord … one of my servers acts like the communication platform for my little company and I need to get notifications, but I don’t get any, whether as sound, nor as text … so my question: is it a bug or a feature :wink: !?

Hello, there is no notifications support yet (but coming soon).

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