Running normal SFOS with custom kernel

Hello all,
I’ve searched a lot about that topic, but didn’t found anything yet. I would like to run and use docker or k3s on SFOS. Both needs the br_netfilter kernel module and so far as I see, with the normal flashing method of an licensed Sony Xperia 10 III the kernel doesn’t implement this.

So regardless of the discussion if this got a meaningfull usage. How can I adapt the kernel to provide br_netfilter? Or can someone tell me why it isn’t working?
I understand that the Hardware adaption component provide the Kernel, but so far I’ve discovered the documentation for flashing new devices with SFOS. But in this case I just want to use a different kernel and in best case I still want to be compatible to everything like before, including updates from Jolla :sweat_smile:

Thanks in advance

Instructions like this Sailfish X Xperia Android 11 Build and Flash | Sailfish OS Documentation include the building of the kernel. Maybe you can just force insmod the module for starters.


I’d love to see the normal desktop modules to be available. I’ll parry the “why would you need it that mobile?” question with a “that’s your lack of imagination”. I now have three occasion where my attempt where foiled due to the lack of modules available on my XA2, all regular USB devices: serial interface, MIDI and recently UVC / webcam.

Having to modprobe a module would be fine in my book. Even if if the module has to be downloaded from somewhere first (but sheesh, most of them are probably in the kilobyte-range)

But before rambling on, I read somewhere that the is planned anyway? Can’t find it. Some community meeting perhaps?


I would like to join such a meeting with this topic. Until there I gonna search and try on.

See #sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 28th November 2024

As a mere user it was not very helpful. It boils down to “open a PR at GitHub - mer-hybris/mer-kernel-check: Scripts to check kernel CONFIG_ values used by Mer”.