Rotate individual app 180°

Hello everyone,
Is it possible to rotate an individual (android) app with 180°? The only command I could find relating to rotation is dconf write /lipstick/orientationLock \'portrait\', which can set it to portrait, landscape and dynamic mode. Surely there should be a way to flip the portrait, so that the apps are displayed upside down? Being able to do set this for one individual app would be preferable, but is not vital.

Hi, Welcome!
I believe there is some patch related to orientation into Patchmanager.

Hi ric9k, I’ve tried a lot of patches, both from storeman and the patchmanager web catalog, but they’re either incompatible or won’t start. Do you have a working patch?

I remember having used an orientation patch once.
Some incompatible patches work but are marked as incompatible for updates reasons, e.g right after a new SFOS version, if the author not yet updated his patch.
You can try allowing incompatible patches and try those who have a version number near the version you installed.
It is generally good, when you ask for help, to indicate what is your device and version. This helps others to help you :–)

Yes, of course. I have an Xperia 10 II running version One of the patches I tried to use (Default allowed orientations from the Patch manager Web catalog) is compatible with it, but it gives an error when I’m trying to enable it.

In the meantime I’ve tried something else, this command: dconf write /desktop/sailfish/silica/default_allowed_orientations 15, which works for the launcher and the native apps, but android apps still turn the other way around. Is there anything I can do about this? I guess I need to invert the alien dalvik lxc-container separately, but I have no idea how.