Is there a way to reply to topics/comments quoting the parent?
If not, can this be added?
EDIT: This is already there. Thanks to @peterleinchen 's reply I now know everything.
Is there a way to reply to topics/comments quoting the parent?
If not, can this be added?
EDIT: This is already there. Thanks to @peterleinchen 's reply I now know everything.
Do you mean like this?
(if not, please clarify)
Is there a way to reply to topics/comments quoting the parent?
Do you mean like this?
(if not, please clarify)
Precisely. I can at the moment only do it using select-copy-paste. I’d like a button which starts a reply with a fullquote.
Best i can offer is that you manually select the post, and then press reply. (No copying or pasting required)
However (as illustrated in this post) full-quoting gets pretty messy, and inline replies to shorter quotes is preferred.
[EDIT]: the forum software redacted my 3-level quote. Not sure i like it messing with what i write, but in line with the point i tried to make.
Although, in a significant number of posts the full post is a short enough comment, so there would be no real difference.
There is, the top left button over text box (full quote).
And just answer to discobot’s greetings message (anywhere):
@discobot start tutorial
Ah brilliant! Thanks!
Eh, yeah I’ m not good with RTFM
What’s the answer to everything?
RTFM and/or 42
@nephros saying “@discobot start advanced tutorial” in a message to the bot is also a good choice.
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I failed to quote the OP in my last reply and I’m stuck at the quote section in the tutorial (maybe due to outdated SF browser), have to try further. Quoting was much easier in the old discussion boards 10 to 15 years ago.
@Pohli can confirm, it happened the same to me, so it has to be the outdated stock browser…
@pohli @enrish
I could quote and got further.
But on bookmarking discobot did not recognize that I had a bookmark set. Restarted the tutorial and all went smooth.
@peterleinchen Thanks. I tried again making sure all bookmarks were not selected, but after I select a quote there is no quote button popping up, and if I hit the reply at the bottom of the post, the selection disappears and nothing happens. It will work it only when nothing’s selected…
Not sure I understood correctly.
But I just pressed reply and then pressed the (quote) bubble on the the top left of the tool bar above the text box.
I just meant the reply button does not work when any text is selected, your suggestion let me quote the whole post, but somehow it was fine for the tutorial and I managed to get till the end. The capybara says thanks!
this? I don’t know how to do