Remorse.popupAction - workaround for callback context?

Hi everyone,

im currently creating a small Magic the Gathering “Search App” (shameless plug).

In one of the app pages I have a GridView every GridItem has a ContextMenu to be able to delete that item. For Deletion I want to use a Remorse Popup.
The Problem now is that the Remorse-Callback runs “in remorse component scope” therefore I don’t have access to my DatabaseCompontent (id: favorites)

Is there any workaround or any way I could trigger the database deletion (aka. any function from a page component) inside the remorse popup?

Page {
    id: page

    Favorites {
        id: favorites
    SilicaGridView {
        id: grid
        // ...
            delegate: GridItem {
            // ...

            menu: Component {
                ContextMenu {
                    MenuItem {
                        text: qsTr("Remove")
                        onClicked: {
                            Remorse.popupAction(qsTr("Remove from favorites?"), function(){
                                // favorites is undefined because this callback function is called "in remorse component scope". it works when not used inside the Remorese.popupAction callback

Nevermind you can actually just create your own page specific Remorse Object

RemorsePopup {
    id: remorse
// and then later
onClicked: {
    remorse.execute("remorse stuff", function(){
        // page specific components available!
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