The rules for this forum are in the “FAQ” page. You can find it in the menu of the top right corner and in the link below
Let’s keep the discussion polite and focused on Sailfish matters, not people.
Thank you!
The rules for this forum are in the “FAQ” page. You can find it in the menu of the top right corner and in the link below
Let’s keep the discussion polite and focused on Sailfish matters, not people.
Thank you!
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I absolutely agree with you, @jovirkku, but on the other hand this is understandable, that when you reed a comment which is absolutely not polite under the post, where you just posted your own opinion - you will answer this person the same way.
Till now i never had any problems in this Forum (and old tjc) since 2013. The communication was always polite and constructive. No one have abused me or wrote me something what would somehow feel me angry or sad.
I wish me more moderation in certain forums, so anyone can feel comfortable here.
Agreed on the moderation front.
I think many folks would be wiser to remember that others will or may have differing opinions from them and to try not to take those differences of opinion as some sort of attack on oneself. If someone’s opinion on something as simple as Bluetooth in an operating system invokes such harsh emotions, maybe it’s better to simply not engage. Provide your constructive feedback then bow out of a thread. (Note, this isn’t directed to you, rather any reader and includes myself!).
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there is a big difference between moderation and gestapo, imho.
I think the following rules seem to be the most difficult to grasp, as they are the most often violated:
I’d say about 95% of flags are because a post violated either of those.
and downvote / unlike button is something what i miss from the tjc. this small button helped a lot…/
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I can agree with you on some points, you mentioned.
@Vige with respect
Firstly statistics never helped.
Secondly it goes both ways. As I said “eye for an eye”!
But we’ve had this conversation time ago and it did not bring anything. Anonymous flagging and no ability for discussion or clarification is still not present. 2 or 3y later it is still the same.
Someone nagging why this or that does not work (in this case the BT whatever profile is not supported). You ask him to stop, because it will not be supported soon and it was already stated … and so on flagging my post without explanation or reason and the system automatically hides the post. This is really not even close to democratic.
Are you aware that flagged posts can still be viewed? I do this frequently and in most of the cases I can understand the reasons for flagging
Did not knew, that it is possible to read the hided posts; tried it right now and can totally confirm your opinion, why the post at least in this thread have been hided.
I try to imagine such “conversations” in the real world and I can not believe that two people, that do not know each other and meet on the street would speak this way. But maybe this is because I have not enough imagination capacity
Be kind, it’s nice for yourself
Ignoring a handful of users is (almost) all it takes to make the forum a better place.
Agree, but sometimes its difficult to ignore someone who “stepped on your foot” and did it intentionally.
After seeing thread after thread getting slammmed recently, I got to thinking that lack of releases is giving a lot of people too much spare time to invest into proving a bunch of others on the internet wrong.
Because what could be more enjoyable than proving one’s theories to be superior to others’?
Account cooldown silence period enforcement came to mind as a moderation tool.
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You can tell a forum discussion grows old when Hitler and the Nazis have to be invoked.
I have the feeling you have no clue what the Gestapo really was…
Better to say, I hope you have no clue what the Gestapo was. Otherwise, you should really go to school again: History lessons hour for hour, day for day.