It’s becoming a bit difficult to navigate the various requirements for releasing apps with the coming of Sailjail by force for harbour > 4.3. We also already have a situation where you need to compile explicitly for 3.4 armv7 to keep supporting installs to 3.4 from harbour. Some don’t care. I still do.
My thinking, to keep things somewhat simple has led me to begin branching for > 4.3 and 3.4 and under. For builds I was thinking of doing 4.3+ only builds for harbour and chum and keep the 3.4 and under branch builds on openrepos.
At the moment it means ‘melding’ between branches to track bugs in different releases. This is pita, but it is manageable. Just.
Does this sound like a strategy? Or should I ONLY put Sailjail++ stuff on harbour? After all, I lose all the nice support for old OSs with chum.
In any case, it’s a bunch of extra admin that is keeping me from REAL work. Your opinions and automation suggestions, please!
Thanks in advance.