[Release notes] Tampella

I have same issue. After update.

X10III no problems.

Standby power drain unfixed - -18% / day flight mode, no apps running.

GPS appears to now report it has lock when it doesn’t - just returning old position. (Using GPSInfo)

And thanks to Flypig for the browser work!

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Had the same “suggestions”, which I just ignored. Removed all the patches and went through the standard procedure before setting an update as always.
Everything went fine. (:

I have no patches installed, just some ‘regular’ apps from chum and openrepos.
I mean none is supposed to mess with system files.
I’d be curious to understand what triggers this behavior, but I don’t know how to investigate it. I’m not a pro sysadmin, but I have some linux/bsd boxes to maintain at home - if anyone can guide me a bit, I’m willing to investigate.

That bug is fixed in previous 5.0.0 version. That means it’s solved. After current upgrade of course.

Update went smooth on c2
mobile network works for (sometimes) whatsapp and signal, not for tidal app.
tidal works only with wifi

update: tried again, on mobile only: songsterr gets no connection, tidal, signal whatapp too.

When I start a call, I get no ring tone. Phone is completely quiet till the call is connected.

Isn’t that due to 5g?

Hardly, since 5G calling is not supported.

Got all mixed up. There is a setting 4G calling and when I choose this option it does exactly that, no tone or ringing until the call is answered.

Normally you get a ringtone f you call someone who doesn’t use VoLTE. If the person you are calling uses VoLTE there is no ringtone. This bug exists since tge release of VoLTE.

4G is not 5G. 4G works (sort of), 5G does not.

Nope :disappointed:
Got the sound/video/gps issue after 24 houres

Threema (libre) seems to have still no mobile internet on the C2. Maybe because of threema push?

I’ve the same issue.
On my XA2, I can’t send SMS since this update (Provider: Orange France).

Did you try with “only 2G” setting?

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I use threema libre on an Xperia 10 III and it works with both mobile or wifi internet but I am not sure about this push function.

Same here.
So it seems the two most severe bugs of Xperia 10 III are still there although Jolla reported to have fixed them :frowning_face:

Have a very unstable torch function with 5.0… In general it doesn’t do anything when activating it.
Extremely annoying…

I’ve had no problems with upgrade on Xperia 10 III, but on Xperia 10 Android AppSupport is not starting after upgrade (nothing happens when I tap Start in Settings, and trying to run an Android app shows the “Andoid AppSupport is started, starting [app]” bar at the top, then the throbber in app tile rotates for a few seconds, and the tile then closes).