[Release notes] Tampella

My Xperia 10 lll says Up to date (4.60.15). Tried with wlan and mobile data. Internet is working. I also can’t see update in event view. I will try tomorrow again…

And you are sure that the early access is enabled in your jolla account profile?

Yes I can see my account active.

The download graphic may appear stuck since some packages are hundreds of megabytes (around 400MB if I remember correctly) and their downloading just takes a long time. The graphic updates only when a package has been fully downloaded.


Update went well. Microg latest version works now.

Sadly there is no internet in AppSupport with mobile connection.

Account active
Account active + early access subscribed?

You need to enable early access in your account settings, then you can update immediately

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Update went smoothly on XA2 and 10 V but now the browser refuses to pick up saved passwords on both devices.

When started from the console after re-entering the password and checking the save button, the browser logs a message JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.jsm, line 1716: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: This login already exists.. Furthermore the password doesn’t seem to be sent in that case, since I get an HTTP 401 error. Without checking the save button, login works.

Curious about these Instructions :wink:


Have you put your consent to the new privacy statement in the account of yours too?

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So, not much point updating then. No fixes for mediaplayer, just a few added gimmicks instead. Disappointing.

Thank you, I will try that.

Update failed on my XA2 :frowning: maybe 500mb on the root partition still wasn’t enough?
The update page in settings no longer loads and ssu doesn’t work due to missing libpsl.so. Is there anything I can do?

Sorry not sure how to help, it’s finnicky still it seems to start, what steps I did: turn wlan off, toggle mobile data off/on, airplane mode on, wait 15sec, airplane mode off, turn data to prefer 3g, back to 4g, switch sim from sim2 to sim1 (physically with phone on, but then in settings), again data/airplane toggles, restart android support and then it started working and has been rock solid since, switching between mobile/wifi now without problems (have not rebooted yet, we’ll see)

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Mobile internet in AppSupport does not work for me. Tried toggling and reboot. What does the Android setting in section “Network & Internet” show for you?
For me it says “no sim card”.

Does show name of my provider

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First attempt to download got stuck “waiting for network”.

Rebooted, second attempt got stuck @~95% downloading with no progress in 30 minutes.

Rebooted, phone now said “ready to install”, so proceeded doing just that. That went well, completely w/o hickups. Phone now reports running

Holding off the update on my main device until I’ve used it on the C2 for a while.

The new browser seems to not allow, to type keywords for search into the address field?


Thanks, update went smoothly on X10III.
Nice! Yle.fi website works now well with the ESR91.
Rotating home screen is nicer than I thought.
Hopefully X10III will get AAS 13 also at some point :relaxed:

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i flashed back my xperia 10v to android 13…
how can i flash directly tampella image to my 10v…

I’ve updated my backup device (XA2) and it all went well - no issues @all!
The device seems a bit snappier and the new rotation thing I do like.
Many 10x to Jolla!

Напред и нагоре - weiter so!

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