[Release notes] Struven ketju 4.5.0 EULA update

Oh, come on!
The never ending device discussions are off topic here. There are plenty of threads already!


You READ this far?! :slight_smile: Colour me impressed.


Oh, did someone mention hia favorite bug or tablet refund already? :person_facepalming:


Like @attah kindy commented earlier, discussion is going off topic here. Whilst we normally do not close release notes topics, but this will be soon closed.


I understand where this is coming from, there being factors necessitating no statements at this point, and no one wants every thread being made about [that one hot topic], but… how should it not incite a general device discussion and make it very on-topic when the highlight in the very opening post is the dropping of support for the old device base?

I consider myself a know-nothing, but I would hazard to believe that if and as 4.6.0 will the final release for older devices, it would also be the release which has the overlap in the support for the old and the new supported device base.

Not that a 4.5.0 tail-end EULA wouldn’t be an exciting thing too, but…

The part about predictive text input isn’t clear to me. Will it stop to work when I install the update? It is an offline feature, right?!

If that is the case I don’t see any reason to install the update yet.

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No, only if you buy a new license:

It’s most likely some kind of license issue with the package so if you already own it you should be fine:


Haven’t heard of tablet rwfunds for quiet some time…

sudo systemctl status ironydetectd


Sailfish Community News, 7th March 2024 - EULA

“… Jolla has hinted at the possibility of supporting the Sony Xperia 10 IV and V. Notably, the Xperia V running Sailfish OS made an appearance at the recent FOSDEM event.”

Hoping that Jolla shall take for granted that both Xperias IV and V have at the moment Android 14. Do we have to return to Android 13 or does 14 also fit?


@unmaintained I buy a new device, install sailfish on it, buy a new license but won’t get predictive text with it. Do I understand that right? @rainemak could you please confirm?

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@Maximilian1st Do note that the situation is said to be a temporary one, and once solved, persons with a new Sailfish X license (are promised they) will be provided with working predictive text then. Whatever the solution to the issue may be.

Once we get predictive text input issues fixed, we provide it for users who are now buying Sailfish X license.

So I think your query maybe should read “I buy a new device, install sailfish on it, buy a new license but won’t get predictive text with it now.”

Substitute “in the foreseeable future” for “now”, if you will.


I don’t know much about this, but from my experience of running a X I0 II with an unauthorized Android 12, seemingly with few problems following from that, (I should likely need to clarify that I don’t use the AndroidApp system of SFSO), unless clear warnings of specific problems I will try installing SFOS on whatever And-version the X 10 V has. (-- and I’m leaving the house right now to take advantage of an offer on the V that expires tomorrow. … :slight_smile: )

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Yes, perhaps. Eg., for Xperia IV is SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_13_5.4_v2b_murray. I don’t know the differences between A 13 and 14.

It should be easy just to unlock boot loader and install SFOS without any backing of Android. I’ll keep Xperia 10 V as Android so far due to Samsung Galaxy Watch. Perhaps change to SFOS after 2-3 years, too.

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IV and V sold in the shops here are specified to have A-12 and A-13 respectively, and one don’t need to update that, I think.

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Hi community,
I was installing the update without any error messages on my Xperia 10III. Unfortunately now the Chum GUI does not show my installed apps any more. Additionally in the branch Category and Applications there is no installable application listed. A Update Repository command in the GUI runs without error message, but does not change anything. I already tried devel-su pkcon refresh with no success. The logfile in /var/log does not show any indication for a problem. Is there a way to repair this?

Go into the Chum GUI settings and override the repository.

This seems to be the case with my 10 II, too.

This IS the case with EVERY updated device until CHUM is updated as well.


Symbolic links have been added for the Chum repositories for the .25 release, so they should now work without any modifications.