Thank you very much, I will, but just waiting for the Jolla support to confirm if there is any risk to break anything on this phone using the other image. But it seems the helpdesk jolla support is not working anymore, several weeks without any reply …
Yeah sorry, you’re right, it seems I’ve gone too far by thinking that big companies like Sony, or other big companies like Intel, Google, Meta, Apple …etc could do anything to break the user’s privacy. Anyway it never happened till now, so I’ve got to stop being paranoid.
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All versions use proprietory blobs, so making do with the older, less functional blobs doesn’t make sense
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It makes sens, as more users (the owners of DC72) will use it and give more feedback and eventually debugging. Instead of waiting for the new blobs to give them the chance to try it, we are waiting for several months now for these famous blobs, maybe more to come …
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