[Release notes] Sauna

The version grom Jolla Store works, webkit was removed.

Addition: I tried my satnav (MagicEarth) today with several modes of location. Nothing.
GPS does not work. On the GPS app I see several satellites, but there is no connection, also not with ā€˜Mozilla modeā€™.
Waiting for the day that satnavs work again like Here did on the Jolla 1.

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Thank youā€¦ I did thatā€¦

And here I talk about it a little now:

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Regarding ā€œWhy backup really helpsā€ from your videoā€™s title, what really helps is having full rootfs and home partitions image (e.g. using dd). This way one can go back to the exact same state without actually any effort. Saved me many times.


Can you check any other Android map? Magic Earth for some time (since the version with UI redesign and new map styles) stopped updating GPS position for me (that is, it gets the initial one, but never changes), but every other map Iā€™ve tried has no problem; must be some ME peculiarity.

Thank you for your reply. In Aurora I could not find any other Android satnav without tracking and/or ads.
MagicEarth works fine on my old ipadmini cellular without a mobile connection, offline! It also works immediately and reliable on the Vollaphone I have, without sim inserted and offline. That phone has Android 13. I am not a fan of Android (ugly, messy file system, etc.) but it works.
I saw that ME offers an update. The XA2+ behaves a bit weird while updating. App goes on lanching screen and screen becomes dark. Atpfter a second try the update succeeded.
Will check later if the satnav functions again.

Speaking of Auroraā€¦ It was difficult after 4.6 0.13 to update apps in Aurora, as others have reported.

Aurora just released 4.5.1 that fixes that issue. I was able to update all my Android apps yesterday. I found it best to click on all of the update buttons and just wait for notification windows to appear, then acknowledge to install. Any back arrow clicking crashes the app.

Hope this helps.


With this new version 4.5.1 of Aurora I cannot access Play Store at all, only Google Sign in is provided - anybody else with such problems?


I am able to use anonymous.

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I confirm, I only see Google Sign In option too.

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I also have the Google Sign In option too and the session fails logging in with a generic null indication. Not sure that this is the right place to report this problem though - looks more like an Aurora Store app bug rather than SFOS.

No problem here with Aurora Store 4.5.1, try Settings ā†’ Apps ā†’ Aurora Store and remove all app data.
(No harm in doing this apart for going through the setup again, it will detect all installed apps afterwards)


Thank you, this fixed the problem for me.

Sadly it looks like hasnā€™t actually fixed the issue of pictures and videos in Android apps appearing shrunk/truncated in 1/3 screen only. This screenshot is from the Android Slack app (on the odd occasion it actually loads successfully) :disappointed:

Hmm, shrunk Android media display has been completely fixed for me, and I drive this daily workhorse hard.


Same thing happens in WhatsApp video calls as well. Interestingly the update installed with no problems at all - so its unlikely to be as a result of a bad installation.

Thanks @Steve_Everett for reporting. Could you please create a separate issue to the ā€œBug reportsā€.


I didnā€™t see many messages with really big problems with this update (and itā€™s a good thing!) I have some big troubles on Xperia 10 II :
First, it asked me to uninstall some apps that could cause problems:

  • OSM Scout server
  • libmapnik
  • lz4
    and a fourth one I forgot.
    I did that and restarted the update research. It asked me to uninstall almost all the phone :crazy_face:
    I stopped there. Phone is still working fine, except the lack of map navigation.

I reinstalled lz4 (mandatory to get the packages listā€¦) and tried OSM scout server with libmapnik because sometimes I need Pure Maps and donā€™t have any data so offline maps are really useful for me.
I canā€™t install OSM Scout Server because of depencies not met (the last one I cannot find: libicuuc)
I donā€™t understand how it was installed before if this is needed and I didnā€™t update.

Do someone have hints of what to do in this situation to upgrade and recover this app ?


Before updating on all devices I disable all harbour stores and uninstall obex (for me it was the only application that SFOS reported to me), on Gemini PDA and X I uninstall several apps to gain disk space, I will install them again after the update

  • 10 III updated via UI without problem, :+1:
  • Gemini PDA and X I performed the update via the sfos-updrade script (because I have experience that I had problems when updating through the UI), everything went well.

Try using the sfos-upgrade script.