[Release notes] Sauna

This has happened to me for a very long time across lots of releases and lots of account types - email, dropbox, onedrive, etc. The only way I’ve found to ‘fix’ it is to delete the account on the SFOS phone and then recreate it.


You’re right. Majority of space occupied by AppSupport is now on the /home/ partition. On the rootfs partition only a tiny amount of space is taken. So the small value reported in the “System data” entry is correct, as the actual taken space is reported on the “User data” page.

However, the other two issues, i.e. incorrect battery level in AppSupport, and Settings / Applications pages of Android apps not working when AppSupport isn’t running, still persist.

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Thanks. Deleting and recreating the account worked.


After install of when I restart (or it restarts due to OOM killer) AppSupport loses a mobile internet connection.

Restart of network stack does not help, going to flightmode either, as well as turning on/of mobile network (used to work in case of network issues in android before upgrade)

Could anybody help me debug the issue?

  • logcat shows bunch of NetUtilsWrapper: Unexpected command /system/bin/ip -w -t .... commands (ip does not even have -w switch).
    journal does not mention any alien or network issues, warnings or errors.

What else could be helpful to see what’s happening?

Edit: Seem like an issue with name resolving, any hints?


Try devel-su systemctl restart ofono

I’ve been able to twice resurrect missing mobile data connectivity for App Support, where no other method short of reboot worked.

Maybe Jolla could add “Restart/Reset MPRIS” to Tools, because in 50% of the cases i have sometimes the Problem that the Mediaplayer-Info and Controls are not working with my Car-Audio (LG MediaNAV-Evolution). Sometimes its enough to restart the Player-App (Deadbeef or Jolla Mediaplayer) for 2-3 Times.

1 Like has been officially released today for everyone, so I assume that the “launch from app grid” problem has not been addressed further. :pensive:

Wondering when the stop release status is determined…

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Shouldn’t really matter until the next update

Switched to Sailfish OS a couple days ago after being curious about it for almost a decade. I’m very glad to see it being actively developed and I’m also very happy with the general UX, UI and app catalog of Sailfish OS.


One question, though: What exactly is a “stop release”?


If you reset your phone it will have the Sailfish version you originally flashed. Then you will want to upgrade successively through all releases. In this process you can skip all releases that are not stop releases


My understanding is, that you should not reset the phone to an older version than the stop release, because there might be changes in partition layout or other things and the factory reset partition will never be updated and stay as flashed.

Explained here: Updating Sailfish OS | Sailfish OS Documentation


The update in general went smooth for me, but I have noticed a regression with AppSupoort. I think somebody already mentioned a similar issue before, the ING banking app doesn’t work anymore, it closes as soon as I start it. The same happen to me with Mein Vodafone (Germany) app.

Can you successfully open them from Settings - Apps - [the app] - Open Android Settings - Open (the green icon)?


Nice to see further improvement to the Email app, one of the stronger points of SFOS imo.

@jovirkku, I previously asked about the option to choose From-addresses (identities) for the same account. Are the devs aware of this? If yes, is there will to implement it?

Anyway, you made it before Midsummer, yay!

Hyvää Juhannusta ja hyvää kesää!


Today arrived to my Xperia 10 III and works perfectly.
Thank You for everybody at Jolla!


Yes that works for both apps, thank you! There’s just a minor glitch while the app is opening, it looks like it’s closing immediately, but then it works


Seems like ofono restart is working solution at 66% rate :wink: 1 on 3 restarts SIM card does not respond/can’t be found.