[Release notes] Sauna

My understanding is, that you should not reset the phone to an older version than the stop release, because there might be changes in partition layout or other things and the factory reset partition will never be updated and stay as flashed.

Explained here: Updating Sailfish OS | Sailfish OS Documentation


The update in general went smooth for me, but I have noticed a regression with AppSupoort. I think somebody already mentioned a similar issue before, the ING banking app doesn’t work anymore, it closes as soon as I start it. The same happen to me with Mein Vodafone (Germany) app.

Can you successfully open them from Settings - Apps - [the app] - Open Android Settings - Open (the green icon)?


Nice to see further improvement to the Email app, one of the stronger points of SFOS imo.

@jovirkku, I previously asked about the option to choose From-addresses (identities) for the same account. Are the devs aware of this? If yes, is there will to implement it?

Anyway, you made it before Midsummer, yay!

Hyvää Juhannusta ja hyvää kesää!


Today arrived to my Xperia 10 III and works perfectly.
Thank You for everybody at Jolla!


Yes that works for both apps, thank you! There’s just a minor glitch while the app is opening, it looks like it’s closing immediately, but then it works


Seems like ofono restart is working solution at 66% rate :wink: 1 on 3 restarts SIM card does not respond/can’t be found.

Anyone else having problems with the Appsupport after the upgrade to Appsupport now crashes using any app after 1-3 taps. Reinstalling appsupport without nuking all apps did not help.
Edit: Device is Xperia 10 III, (running, Steps to reproduce: Open any app, attempt to use its Interface, whole AppSupport crashes. This seems to be only a problem with using actual apps, AppSupport does not crash when using adb commands like pm.

Your problem is not clear. On which device? What exactly do you do before AppSupport crashes?

Hey, I updated my post with some more information. I’d just nuke the whole AppSupport, but I’ve got one important App that i can’t backup right now.

Reinstall opengapps?

Soryy, I forgot to include that I use microG. If you can tell me how to completely remove microG with ADB pm, I’d give the script from Ikraav a shot.

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No idea, but such weird quick closing of android apps did happen to me when upgrading from 4.4 to 4.5 and without rerunning opengapps script, so maybe related, not sure

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Yeah, I saw the post over at the Release thread, but sadly, there is now comparable script for microG

Aside from top menu, flawless upgrade from 4.5.

I had some minor problems to update my tablets, but now they work as i can see after short testing :smiley:.

Update on Jolla C went smoothly.

Damn. Podcatcher doesn’t work. My sadness knows no bounds.

Nothing provides 'qt5-qtqml-import-webkitplugin' needed by the to be installed harbour-podcatcher-2.02-1.aarch64