[Release notes] Sauna

If I am not badly mistaken, this is for R&D projects only. I do not think there is any intention to make it possible for end-users to change the logo (although it might be cool). It was probably unnecessary to report that change in the release notes.


Thank you for this update. Makes me happy: on my XA2 plus I can use Aurora again. Installing doesn’t stuck anymore. NewPipe works. Making a phone call is possible again since the update. The device is a bit slow but never mind. Excellent sound, great visibility, good typing, fingerprint always works.


wow, holy sh*t. turns out windows is a virus. i looked it up and it sounds like you can add an exception to ‘windows defender’ to not delete the software that you deliberately installed on YOUR OWN COMPUTER.


This is probably not related to the release directly. Please post elsewhere. Let’s discuss the Sailfish release in this thread, please.


i mean, it was tangentially related, because the flash failed and several people have been looking for the recovery image for 4.5, which is only available in torrent form because jolla hosts only the latest, and torrents are apparently difficult for the operating-system-challenged. you’re right tho, the tangent went off too far.


Sorry, I don’t know if adding a post here is better than opening a whole new thread about this, but I’m observing a weird phenomenon ever since I updated my X10III with Sauna (I didn’t go through EA, I waited for the general release).

While the overall situation with mobile connection has definitely improved (I formerly had to keep it on “prefer 3G” to prevent “Limited connection” issues, as widely discussed on the forum, now this seems to be fixed), I’m now seeing this weird thing happen: every once in a while, some Android apps (but not all) lose connectivity. How is this even possible?

The two apps that I have observed retaining internet connection when the others go offline, at least so far, are Whatsapp and the Tor Browser, whereas Telegram and Firefox are affected, for example. All installed from Aurora, nothing special going on in my setup (I made no tweaks or tinkering).

EDIT: I do have microg installed, though, if that counts as tinkering :sweat_smile:

Using the “network subsystem reset” function from Sailfish Utilities seems to restore internet connectivity for all Android apps, but this is so weird that I thought it was worth to report it, maybe it could lead to a better understanding of the underlying connectivity issues we have been observing for a while (even if it seems that different users are affected in different ways).

I can open a dedicated thread, if needed.


Maybe this? Have you tried toggling mobile data off and on? I have this with my Xperia 10 III (Elisa) and have to do this a couple of times a day. Maybe it has something to do with roaming between cell towers because I had to do it a lot more while driving for a whole day.

i am also having problems with android connectivity on mobile data, new with restarting aliendalvik fixes it, but restarting ofono does NOT fix it. i am unsure if certain apps have connection, but it seems like none do. the issue has come up numerous times over the last few days for me

I’ve noticed after restarting ofono, I also need to toggle mobile data OFF/ON (assuming you restarted ofono while mobile data ON).

Then Android connectivity instantly springs to life.

After only ofono restart, my email client Aqua Mail error dialogs would indicate that hostname resolution starts working, but connections to any remote ports cannot be established (routing or firewall setup not complete?).

Not sure what extra mobile data toggle then completes.

While on 4.6, I’ve now resurrected Android connectivity like this for about… 10 or so incidents total, it’s definitely a thing and this specific process seems to work reproduceably.

Worst situation is when restarting ofono it somehow got itself into a continous network connection restart loop: 4G icon would appear for a few seconds, then die (endlessly repeat). Had to reboot, and all was OK again for a while.

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My approach that worked every time until now is: Go to flight mode, restart network via sailfish utilities, wait a moment, exit flight mode, wait until connected, use the desired android app. No need to restart app support or the android app itself.


Have had for a couple of days now, update went fine, I noticed the phone is quite “jumpy” between 4G and 5G, it seems to jump every 12-15 seconds between networks. It is a good connection.

My BankID is also somewhat funny, if i start it from inside android settings, it works 100% of the time, it also works some of the time if I start other android apps in rapid succession and then BankID

Other Android apps like Vivaldi and Signal work fine.

ill try restarting mobile data after restarting ofono, but that is bizarre.
this suggests to me that the problem is routing. ipv6 is still messed up, and is the main reason why MMS is still occasionally broken for me (selecting rmnet1 via ipv6 works and rmnet3 via ipv4 doesn’t, and it appears to select the network at random)

A new way. I have not tried this yet.


whatsapp is very crashy. interaction with the app will frequently (app is still usable) randomly close when running under on a 10iii.


Try to carefully use the back button. Double clicks may happen accidently and close your app. The good thing is: another reason to get rid of WhatsApp … and experience the same with Signal and Threema. :slight_smile:


ok, i can confirm that toggling airplane or mobile-data does nothing when restarting ofono also does not work (this makes sense, since restarting ofono does strictly more than either).

while testing i also was able to see the ofono-crash-loop described elsewhere, where 4G appears and disappears repeatedly (logs confirm ofono is restarting in a loop).

the ofono-crash-loop is new to 4.6, and is almost certainly caused by aliendalvik.

(i flash and reflash my phone with different versions of SFOS fairly often, and i have an automated installation script that does everything from dconf settings to installing rpms and apks, so i get a fairly stable environment to reproduce things on, even if i do a lot of weird stuff in that stable environment)

  1. the issue started happening while i had protocol=IPv4-only. no android apps could connect to the internet at all
  2. i tried: restarting ofono, toggling mobile data, toggling airplane mode, and combinations of all 3. never got internet back at all
  3. THEN i tried switching IPv4=>dual. INSTANTLY resulted in the ofono-crash-loop
  4. i tried restarting ofono, airplane mode, etc. i stopped ofono for a full minute to, i dunno, let it rest, but that also did not fix it upon starting it again.
  5. THEN i stopped aliendalvik, and the ofono-crash-loop INSTANTLY stopped.
  6. i started aliendalvik, and mobile data was restored
  7. i then changed dual=>IPv4, IPv4=>IPv6, IPv6=>dual, etc and everything always worked.

After upgrading my Xperia 10 III to version, both Bluetooth earphones can connect normally and I can hear the successful connection prompt. However, when watching videos or listening to music, there’s no sound from the AirPods, while the Sony XM5 works normally. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Apple is one of the most petty companies that comes to mind, so maybe they are doing their best to make their products barely work at all outside of their ecosystem.


I’m impressed with my XZ2 Compact. When starting a navigation app or tracker (such as Pure Maps or Kuri) inside a building and then stepping outside, I immediately get the correct location. Before this update, I had to wait 40 seconds until the first satellites were located and location was shown.

And yes, I had previously tested it with several community MLS services.

But i did a complete reflash to avoid the Update-Marathon when using “factory reset”.

See my addendum at bottom.


I’ve tried it, and doesn’t work for me. Using Pure Maps, with “High-accuracy” location settings, and it doesn’t find current location :frowning:
When I try “Navigation” its still rolling next to “Current position” :frowning: