[Release notes] Sauna

I don’t really know where to take this next. I can’t start dbus[0] to figure out PackageKit to maybe use pkcon to set everything on fire, nor do I have the resources to build strace, or anything.

I do wonder if ssu has some oddness - the flavour is supposed to be release, yes? Not “some-early-access-thing”?

[0] Because systemd hates chroots and I have no idea how to start dbus from the CLI - everything spews out the help text. Firmly in the “don’t have time for this BS” category now.

Yeah, I saw my Android email client close today in a way it never has before. Restarting fortunately worked fine. Keeping an eye out now.

I realized there was a cache for RPMs, like beyond what version --dup told me it was refreshing. It’s symlinked, though:

/var/cache/pk-zypp-cache -> /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache

The long and the short of it, the initramfs outside the rootfs has the tooling for this magic:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/mapper/sailfish-home sfhome
mount /dev/mapper/sfhome /home/

This is particularly tantalizing because

~ # find /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache/ -name \*rpm | wc -l

looks like it could be relevant to performing an upgrade the hard way.

And now when I say the hard way, it’s gonna be rough

~ # find /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache/ -name \*rpm | xargs rpm -Uvh
warning: /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache/packages/jolla/oss/aarch64/pulseaudio-modules-nemo-stream-restore-14.2.31-1.5.3.jolla.aarch64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 47394f23: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
        libapkd-config-parser.so.1()(64bit) is needed by apkd-plugin-notifications-fdo-ext-1.0.4-1.1.1.jolla.aarch64
        apkd8 = is needed by apkd8-android-settings-
warning: /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache/packages/aliendalvik/aarch64/apkd-plugin-geo-qtpositioning-1.0.0-1.1.3.jolla.aarch64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 47394f23: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
        apkd8 = is needed by (installed) apkd8-android-settings-
        apkd-plugin-notifications-fdo-ext is needed by aliendalvik-1.8.0-1.5.1.jolla.aarch64
        nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5 >= 0.7.2 is needed by jolla-calendar-1.1.15-1.11.1.jolla.aarch64
        nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5 >= 0.7.0 is needed by sailfish-components-calendar-qt5-1.1.15-1.11.1.jolla.aarch64
        nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-lightweight >= 0.7.0 is needed by sailfish-components-calendar-qt5-1.1.15-1.11.1.jolla.aarch64
        nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5 >= 0.7.0 is needed by jolla-email-1.1.43-1.12.1.jolla.aarch64
        nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5 >= 0.6.30 is needed by jolla-email-1.1.43-1.12.1.jolla.aarch64

I was coming to rejoice but instead of rejoicing, there’s misery.

I resolved all the issues from the cached RPMs by splitting them into find | rpm -Uvh magic until the entire batch installed, yet there is still that “No apps running” notification after restoring the boot flashies and rebooting.

I found another thread where it seems to have been a very similar issue, where the person managed to get the phone working again from recovery. Is there anything in here that you haven’t tried?

Not really, as that also seems to be focused on aliendalvik-control.

I’ll see if I can find zypper somewhere, because I’m super confused about its role in the matter.

It’s some kind of diabolical mastermind behind packagekit-zypp in the upgrade log, maybe.

There are references to running it, but I haven’t seen it since I had the community port on the FairPhone 2 æons ago.

Have to see in a while.

Yes, I see it now with fresher eyes. This is what you get when you do the last second drive-by check on the forums on your way to hit the hay. You attention isn’t at the required level :wink:

Update from 4.5 on my Xperia X III works fine via the normal update procedure. Can comfirm MeeCast Event Viewer issue.

Unfortunately it does not lock into into 5G network as expected plus failing to connect to 4G since the update and remains in a 2G mode. - (T-Mobile EU-Germany).

Any hint or ideas are welcome.

Update 2024-05-22:
Problem could be solved by this
solution from the documentation

Resetting oFono Settings
Trick #3

systemctl stop ofono
rm -rf /var/lib/ofono/*

Anyhow the initial reason is not clear.

Why? This is my most often used button after Flashlight and Bluetooth.

An extra removed sounds like there have been two before

Notice the ‘extra’. Its still there.

In my case 4g came back after some time just by itself (during the night so some 8-10h max since update), now steadily on 4g though after a reboot it took another half hour to settle down

I would buy that argument if it wasn’t the case that the foreca view has been broken for vanilla OS users for pretty long time. In any case, now removing the option for those that have either:

  1. gotten a private key for foreca
  2. installed omweather

is rather user hostile. To have added a simple:

a) notification ‘api key required: url’
b) storage / use of such
would surely not have been such an expensive option?

What I’m suggesting is that the latter would have left your original look and feel with the user needing to take action AND would not have interfered with omweather users.


I checked my log (which is probably the same as yours), and after this part, it also mentions “%posttrans scripts skipped while aborting”, specifically talking about:

Perhaps rerunning those %posttrans scripts by reinstalling those packages could be a step in the right direction?

(I fundamentally don’t understand any of this, so sorry if I’m wasting your time.)

I’ve now installed all of the packages in the cache as well, but the phone still boots to a black screen. Interestingly, it does seem to connect to the internet and (user) systemd services also boot, because I received a notification on my computer that came from Sailfish Connect. The problem must be something really stupid!

Unfortunately, I have no idea where to take it from here.

I’ll get back to this. Because I got something of a life at times that hinders the cool things about existing, and less cool things like my laptop using “nftables” instead of “iptables” to route traffic off the phone… Yeah, it’s a hassle.

But some SFSDK RPMs for zypper and its dependencies fell off the back off a truck, I picked them from the side of the road and got to the point where zypper dup would completely break everything but zypper up would lose out on qt5-qtsysteminfo.

I’ll proceed with this later and reinstall the packages you mentioned. Thank you!

qt5-qtsysteminfo is deprecated and intentionally removed from SFOS 4.6

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A quick update. Of course with having external repos disabled and of course not being allowed entry into aliendalvik et al with ssu register, this is the kind of thing that zypper dup

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Warning: You are about to do a distribution upgrade with all enabled repositories. Make sure these repositories are compatible before you continue. See 'man zypper' for more information about this command.
Computing distribution upgrade...

Problem: This request will break your system!
  the to be installed jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-3rd-party-all-0.4.79-1.12.1.jolla.aarch64 conflicts with 'buteo-sync-plugins-social-vk' provided by the installed buteo-sync-plugins-social-vk-0.4.24-1.17.1.jolla.aarch64

 Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
  keep obsolete jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-3rd-party-all-0.4.71-1.11.1.jolla.aarch64
  keep obsolete jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-0.4.71-1.11.1.jolla.aarch64
 Solution 2: Following actions will be done:
  ignore the warning of a broken system (requires:feature-jolla)
  deinstallation of jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-3rd-party-all-0.4.71-1.11.1.jolla.aarch64
  deinstallation of feature-jolla-0.1.8-1.5.7.jolla.noarch
 Solution 3: deinstallation of buteo-sync-plugins-social-vk-0.4.24-1.17.1.jolla.aarch64

I looked behind door number three; I don’t know what buteo-sync-plugins-social-vk-0.4.24-1.17.1.jolla.aarch64 is, or why I should care, but it was a horrible ruse!

The following 4 packages are going to be REMOVED:
  buteo-sync-plugins-social-vk eventsview-extensions-vk-posts jolla-gallery-extensions-vk jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-vk

For some reason “vk” sounds vaguely familiary, but looking at rpm -qi I get repos such as https://bitbucket.org/jolla/ui-jolla-gallery-extensions which are either very strictly Jolla-internal or totally dead.

There’s also gonna be 61 packages to allegedly downgrade, but I suspect this is zypper having a Linux moment because of eg. in the case of jolla-gallery-extensions-dropbox from the downgrade list:

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'jolla-gallery-extensions-dropbox' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'jolla-gallery-extensions-dropbox-0.2.14-1.2.1.jolla.aarch64'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.

Let’s see where I end up once I’ve executed this plan and got the actually bootable firmwarez onto the machine I’m currently on.

All of these mistake exit 106 (socket error? dbus again? wtf?) for politeness but RPM is the only one that actively smears something that’s not chocolate all over itself. I’m not going to uninstall RPM and hope it works out, but instead hope it works out some other way.

Forcing installation of 'rpm-' from repository 'jolla'.                                                      
Resolving package dependencies...                                                                                                               
The following package is going to be reinstalled:                                                                                               
1 package to reinstall.                                                                                                                         
Overall download size: 626.8 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, 2.4 MiB will be freed.                                              
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y                                                                                                 
Retrieving: rpm- (jolla)                                                                 (1/1), 626.8 KiB    
Retrieving: rpm- ....................................................................[done (407.8 KiB/s)]
Checking for file conflicts: .............................................................................................................[done]
warning: /home/.zypp-cache/packages/jolla/oss/aarch64/rpm- Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 47394f
23: NOKEY                                                                                                                                       
/sbin/ldconfig: relative path `1' used to build cache                                                                                           
warning: %postun(rpm- scriptlet failed, exit status 1                                                       
(1/1) Installing: rpm- ................................................................................[done]
Running post-transaction scripts .........................................................................................................[done]

Maybe postun is an uninstallation thing for the existing version, or something, but because I can invoke zypper download and rpm -qlp /home/.zypp-cache/packages/jolla/oss/aarch64/rpm- I’ll defer caring until a later date, hopefully so much later I’ll end up forgetting about it.

This at least makes sense, the changelog makes mention of:

### jolla-settings-accounts
- Updated : 0.4.71-1.11.1.jolla -- 0.4.79-1.12.1.jolla
- Binaries removed : jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-vk