[Release notes] Sauna

Nitpicking note

While adding || : or || true to every shell statement outside of if, elif, while and other conditional statements prevents a shell invoked with the option -e to stop executing a shell-script when a statement has an exit status not equal to 0, the scriptlets (i.e. %pre*, %post*, %trigger* and %file*) scripts in an RPM spec-file are not executed in a shell invoked with the option -e (in contrast to the scripts in the “body” of an RPM spec-file, i.e. %prep, %build and %install).

The only condition the scriptlets must fulfil in order to not accidentally abort an RPM file’s installation, update or removal, is to exit with a status of 0. Consequently concluding RPM spec-file scriptlets with an exit 0 statement (or any other statement which is guaranteed to return 0) is fully sufficient.

Source: RPM documentation


Hi All,
On my 10 III with, The software update checker isn’t finding anything about 4.6.

At the moment, I gather that you have to reflash the device to put the new version on, which I’m not sure I feel like doing anytime soon.

Will there be a release of 4.6 that delivers over-the-air to a 4.5 device?

4.6 is currently released only for Early access.


What about Sailfish OS updates for the Turing Phone? I know that it never really went into at-scale, but there are still a couple of phones around. Would it still receive a OS 4.6 update or it’s stuck at whichever version it is?

Guess I´m lucky.
I have a XA2 Sauna with Android App Support.
GPS works fine with (Jolla)SFOS/OSM Scout (with offline maps).
But also with Android/GPS-test (download via F-droid).

Turing build is unofficial so I guess your best chance is to ask it’s author. No clue who that is.

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I just had a similar experience. Tried an OTA update of , chickened out after “call recorder” incompatibility massage. Later, against better judgment, I started updating, and after some time, the status bar slowly came to an end and got a message saying how updater was unable to update and offered me a restart. After restart I got the standard boot manager GUI to enter a pin, but after it successfully passed it twice fleshed the white screen with the message “No apps running”, Now after every power up it acts the same. Does anyone have some solution to not destroy all of the data on it.

I tried to update my Intex Aquafish (transformed to JollaC) and got a huge list of packages that should be uninstalled, similar to those screenshots. It does not look good. Anyone updated a jollified Aquafish successfully?

Can you name the packages? Do you have any alternative package manager installed?

Just did it. No problems.

It looked like all installed packages were in the list. But as it was just UI i cannot provide that list.

In any case, i decided to update and it went OK. Maybe it was some weird thing because of Intex to JollaC migration in earlier days.