does anybody know how much ram does the latest sfos version use
and how does the transparent / blur effects work
Don’t tell me, you’re thinking about installing SFOS on your HTC Sensation XL, yes?
The HTC Sensation XL has only 768mb RAM, which is barely enough, but there is nothing stopping you from trying. Have a look here, it looks like Sensation is listed.
I’m not even going to try to answer the last part of your question as it makes little sense to me, so, might you care to actually clarify what you mean?
thanks for the answer on the first part
yes i was gonna try to port it to a sensation xl because it was laying around and i wanted to try sfos
what device would you recommend to try sfos on ?
i looked for a xperia xa2 or other xperia models but wasn’t successful
the other part i meant to say how does the native translucent effects and ambiances work in sfos like in native apps and menus and can it be adapted to other systems (android , ubuntu touch .etc )
because i noticed in android if you want a transparent/blur effects in some apps it has to record the screen to get that effect does it work the same way in sfos ?
and is it safe ?
Interesting you should ask. The opacity blur effect does have overhead, though I don’t think ram is a significant issue, but cpu usage is.
While tracking down a bug, jolla came across a solution which peaked @nephros curiousity about this:
The code, maybe, this:
But there maybe other things involved.
The way things are done on SFOS uses custom (Sailfish.Silica) QML classes. Those are generally not compatible with other OS. If you want to see a ‘cross-seciton’ of QML approaches with one c++ base, have a look at to see parallel Android and SFOS stuff. But I admit I’m not the original developer and have never tested Android.
Although it currently has issues with Video Recording, the Gigaset GS290 (aka Vollaphone) is a good bet since you can get shipping returns new phones for as little as 100 euro. It’s more powerful than the Xperia 10ii. Annoying is the center notch selfie camera. It IS a community port, so, it’s not got android.
But I’m spoiled. I have 3.4 running on the Fairphone 2 (and an old jolla phone) but the performance of the GS for the price is unbeatable.
thanks for the replie
so the effect can’t be adapted to other os
and do we know how the effects work ?
but is the system ui of sfos completely closed source ?
i read about it in some posts and articles that the system ui is closed source
do you know for how long will sfos get updates and support ?
because i want to try sfos and if it suits me i will move to it but i was concerned about couple of questions
1 for how long will sfos get updates and support or will they drop support
i wanted to ask this questions because if there are closed source components in sfos what will happen if they drop support for it
but if there are no closed source components will it be like ubuntu touch (another developer continues developing the project after the original dev left it )
2 is sfos secure
i asked this question for a couple of reasons
first :
sfos uses the android drivers to work and based on the asop kernel
i read about it in a post on the sailfishos subreddit
and also read that there are no restrictions on the userdata for the apps
second :
when i was searching for sailfish os i came across a fork os sfos called aurora os for russia
and read that jolla cut off all ties with russia
but in the release notes for both sailfish and aurora there are additions from both teams to both systems
release notes link
so is it secure ?
and did jolla cut off all ties to the aurora os project or is it going to develope
thanks for the recommendation i will look into it
Like I said, the effect for SFOS will not work on Android. How to accomplish it with Ubuntu touch or Android, I do not know.
Yes. It’s a problem. There are proprietary bits.
No idea. There is always the risk that Jolla goes under and the proprietary bits never get open sourced. I don’t think that will happen. But I don’t ‘know’.
Here the rule is, one license per device, lifetime of device updates. So, you purchase a lic. for, say, an Xperia 10iii and you will get updates till the device is a dead brick. Those are some of the BEST conditions and for less than 50 euro, a good deal. But, of course, Jolla could go out of business.
It’s ‘becoming’ more secure. Since 4.4 the adaptation of Firejail (Sailjail) to sandobx apps brings SFOS closer to the mainstream. It’s not as secure as IOs, but then, you can’t do jack s**t with IOs without jailbreaking it and making it insecure.
Without an audit, who knows. I think some other thread delves into the Aurora os stuff …
An aurora os thread.
thanks for the clarification
so the security is like android in a way
i will test it and see how it goes
do you know any other potential problems with sfos ?
and have you tried ubuntu touch if so what are the pros and cons in comparison to sfos ?
and which one would you recommend ?
i want to daily a linux phone but i don’ know which one will be better sfos or ubuntu touch
from software , security ,support , speed , reliability etc
i have read the thread about aurora os and i’m not too certain if it will be a problem or not but i guess will have to wait and see
I’ve been using the maemo/meego derivatives (N900, N9, Jolla, etc.) for a long time. Nothing else comes close. I had a brief (2 years) soujourn back to Android and couldn’t stand it. I won’t comment on IOs.
So, a community port like that for the Volla phone/GS290 has VERY few issues. SFOS itself has a bunch of issues But most of them don’t affect me
I’d say Android has somewhat better stability at the loss of a great deal of flexibility. Developing for Android is a great big pita. Developing for SFOS is fun.
Ubuntu Touch is simply lagging behind and was never as polished as SFOS. I want to support the project, but don’t want to use it.
I’m not sure what the state of, for instance, KDE plasma on the pinephone is, but that’s something I’ve been meaning to try. Just a bunch of my two bits…
if you try KDE plasma let me know what you think
and can you list the issues of sailfish os that you know so i know what to expect
So, a community port like that for the Volla phone/GS290 has VERY few issues.
Is there a 8 GB RAM device available? Google results are super confusing for GX290 etc
I’ve switched to the GS5 (volla22) which is still limited to 4GB of RAM but has better performance (and battery life) than the xperial 10iii … The Rephone has been reported to work but I’m sceptical (it appears to be a GS5 with more memory, 6GB). I believe the GS290/GX290 is no longer being built. Given that the GS5 is faster and has a battery you can swap out, it’s my go-to. @piggz recently ( got all the bugs out so it’s solid.
Since volla has been supporting the sailfish porting (I believe) it may be that support will arrive for: Volla Shop | Volla Phone X23 (Das Outdoor-Smartphone GX4 online kaufen | Gigaset) but that’s also only 4GB ram.
Is it possible to remove the transparent / blur effects completely from the system to reduce CPU load, speed up the device and reduce RAM usage at runtime and make SFOS system data more slim on phone memory and get more free space on system volume?
Volla Phone 22 still has (in some cases) sim card recognition problem and bluetooth BLE devices are not recognized (e.g. smart watches).