Radio apps do not work

After updating to Pallas-Y I had many problems. I devided to downgrade to Torronsuo. Now none of the radio apps work. Search is useless, stations are not found. The circle keeps spinning until I remove the app.

I use SailWave. Did you try that one, too? It is not comfortable at all, but it works very well, once set up.

Yes, it does. As well as Received, if you set up manually ‘custom stations’.
But I had also AllRadio as favourite installed! Unfirtunately neither in Received nor in AllRadio the browsing for stations works.

Another example how SFOS and its store gets obsoleted by developers leaving :frowning:

The problems started after having brought back the phone to Torrunsuo. I missed calls and could not handle the new calling menu.
I tried several radio apps from Jolla Store, Received, Allradio, Quickradio, Radiowave, but none of them worked. I could install them, but when typing the station of choice, the circle keeps spinning until I remove the app.
Yet I found something that worked: with FDroid I installed a radio app that doesn’t have this issues. Don’t understand why. Of course I prefer Sailfish apps.

Yes, tried that one too. None of the Sailfish radio apps worked. Probably I bricked my device when going back to Torronsuo.
But I found a solution: with FDroid a radio app works. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’ve tried all native apps - none really worked in usable terms unfortunately :frowning: The solution for me was to use F-Froid and get app RadioDroid which works perfectly

The Quickradio app is the one I use. Basic, but it’ll do the job…

That one I have tried too. None of them worked. A kind of punishment because I downgraded the OS to Torronsuo?
But found a working app with FDroid.

Downgrading is not recommended. If something goes wrong, it is wrong then.

Maybe reflashing your device might help?

Yes, I ended up with this one too. For years I listened with Received. Sometimes with Allradio. That is over now.