Questions to problems with Bluetooth and calls with Car and Amazfish

I have since follow problems and ask all menmbers here how can I solve this.

  1. If I connected with my Mazda 6 GH I can take calls without the phone dealer but I cannot hang up the call with the car key - only with the dealer on home screen :frowning:
  2. The same with my Amazfit GTS over Amazfish version 2.4.0-1.11.1.jolla. If I touch on the watch a incomming call not end. But If I end the call on the phone I get a strange sound that repeats every 10 seconds?
    What can I change at the phone. I started also Amazfish with root but no change.
    Maybe anybody had the same problems?
    Follow steps I had tested:
  3. install Bluetooth OBEX Filter off - no effect for both
  4. I uninsall and reinstall Amazfish in older versions - no change for Amazfish
  5. I changed the BT profile for car and Amazfit - no effect for both

Thanks in advance.

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What phone do you have? Bluetooth works a bit different from model to modelā€¦ Likely the same issue causes both the car hangup and the watch hangup issue though.

What happens if you have Amazfish uninstalled, the phone is connected to your car and you then try to end the call from the car controls?

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Oh sorry - I have a Sony Xperia 10 II and good Iidea to uninstall Amazfish and test the car function again. I will test it tomorrow. I will also share the noise afte a Amazfish hang upā€¦

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Is the noise like the one produce by a small bird?! I have that one also in the conditions you described above. No idea where is coming from.

Yes, and its only If I try to hang up with the watchā€¦

I have also run over 20 patches. Maybe its one of them. I will also stop all tomorrow. I share all resulds here.

I have no patches. The small bird noise indeed is coming when hang up from watch, which if you donā€™t do, will ring forever as you already said. What I do not to have the noise is disable an reenable Bluetooth.

Is now only the question if the amazfish app can solve this or SFOS. Maby the sandboxing is the reason. Maybe I will ask piggz.

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I found the phone call option on the Amazfit interfered with the hands free kits in both of my cars. One a Parrot aftermarket kit and the other a GM inbuilt kit.

The phone call option on the Amazfit with Amazfish uses a separate bluetooth connection to the normal connection between the phone and the watch. I cannot remember the exact name of that bluetooth connection. I have a GTR2 and use the Amazfit GTR2 option. Everything except being able to take calls on the watch works.


I have this problem too. A workaround for me is stop aliendalvik service and restart the audio system after.
Then the small bird is silent again.

A reboot is not necessary.
If itā€™s not workin at the first time repeat tje procedure again.
Check that alien dalvik is stopped really.
After two tries of the everything is ok mostly.


Today I could test some settings.

  1. I disconnected the Amazfit GTS and not uninstall Amazfish ==> the car calling runs perfect and I can now end the call about the diplay from the car and also from the steering wheel controls :slight_smile:
  2. I tested also all BT settings (profiles) in the app Amazfish but the red button not work and the beep comes after press this- :frowning:
    Now I ask me how I can disconnect the watch over situation. In the moment I start the ā€œBlitzer Appā€ with situation if the phone detected the car BT. Unfortnatally I cannot kill the app after disconect, because the command killall needs root and I donā€™t know a command with root.

You should not use root. The recommended way is devel-su method.
[defaultuser@JollaC2 ~]$ devel-su systemctl restart sample.service

The chirp sound sounds like the noise that is triggered for the find-my-phone action ā€¦ maybe i got some of the commands wrong for that action and its triggered when pressing the call button on the GTS :slight_smile:


Thanks, but this command need the password, and I will start it automatical in the app Situation. I have two screenshots for better understanding.

I tested:
killall de.blitzer
env XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/100000 killall de.blitzer

Oh hi piggz - thanks for your super app. In the version before it the same and I think it cames after SFOS 4.5 before it works. Yesterday I intsalled the version harbour-amazfish-2.0.2-1.30.1.jolla_.aarch64 and it was the same. The major problem is that the BT connection between the Watch not work with a BT connection with a care kit.

I tested today again the old Amazfish version, but with a restart after installation. The 2.0.2 not work under SFOS 4.6. I think it was only work in my fist test, because the daemon was not restarted from the newer version.
I tested also the phone searching function from the GTS and yes this beep is from the search function. Maybe the bus signal to kill the call is mixed with the search signal. @piggz if you find time, you can check this please, but no stress the app run and had only this small isues. That the BT connection to car and watch brings some trouble can only solve jollaā€¦

Hello, Iā€™ve now made some progress and wanted to share my experiences here.

  1. Install and configure sudo:
  • open terminal
  • input password + ENTER
    pkcon install sudo
  • install text editor tIDE with root harbour-tide-clone | ā€” Community Repository System
  • create now in /etc/ a new file ā€œmy-personal-settingsā€ only with this lines:
    defaultuser ALL = (ALL) ALL
    defaultuser ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL
    defaultuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/dbus-send
    defaultuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl
    defaultuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/connmanct
    defaultuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/killall
    defaultuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/kill
  1. Stop and start Aliendalvik.service using a command (for situations)
    sudo /usr/bin/systemctl stop aliendalvik.service for Off
    sudo /usr/bin/systemctl stop aliendalvik.service for On
    This runs perfect now.

  2. Stop the Android program ā€œBlitzer de Proā€ after disconnecting from the carā€™s BT via situation app
    sudo killall

But here I have a problem. Also in crest its possible to terminate Android apps but they restarting afte secounds and also the pages in the launcher will not closed?
Also in crest fork I get now the kill dialog but the android processes are not close afte the status barā€¦

What can I do to quit a android app from terminal or in Situation. Could anybody help me please?