You can’t make a Column become a Row, but you can use things like a Flow.
Something like:
Flow {
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
Column {
width: (isLandscape) ? ( parent.width / 2) : parent.width
Column {
width: (isLandscape) ? ( parent.width / 2) : parent.width
Or you could use a Loader to do completely different things depending on orientation.
Component { id: portraitLayout
Column { ... }
Component { id: landscapeLayout
Row { ... }
Loader {
sourceCompnent: isPortrait ? portraitLayout : landscapeLayout
Or with something like a Grid and a Model, just set the rows/columns depending on orientation:
Grid {
columns: isPortrait ? 1 : 3
Repeater {
model: whateverModel
delegate: GridItem { ... }