Q: Where is the maximum horizontal scroll speed defined?

In what .qml file is the maximum scroll speed for horizontal scrolls in the UI defined?
I want to make it faster because it’s too slow for me.

I successfully tweaked the definitions in ~30 .qml-files, mainly in /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/…, and so could make the whole UI significantly faster, but can’t find the files where the timing for the horizontal scrolling is defined!

Any help is very appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Xperia 10 / SFOS


The default value is platform dependent.

So I guess the main component is ($LIBDIR/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/)SilicaFlickable.qml which is a Flickable. Plus it has private/FastScrollAnimation.js as import. That defines all kinds of animation behavior.


Where can I find this file on the Xperia 10?

edit: Found it in /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/SilicaFlickable.qml

edit: In line 63, maximumFlickVelocity: was the variable Theme.maximumFlickVelocity; so i changed it quick and dirty to 300 and now it’s fine for me.

Thanks very much!

edit: 500