Q: Resize root partition on running system?

Q: Is it possible to do THIS:

on a Sailfish OS phone?
Has anyone yet tried this?

Hi, a guide has been proposed here: README.md · master · olf (Olf0) / Installing Sailfish OS · GitLab

I did on Xperia 10 ii, you must follow the right guide for encrypted partitions
Enlarge 4Gb root partition? - General - Sailfish OS Forum

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Thanks @philter , but I know this guide and did this one time successfully on one of my Xperia 10’s. But my question was, is there a way to shrink data partition and enlarge root partition on a running SFOS on the phone (SSH / devel-su from computer) avoiding the fastboot & telnet action.
The linked article suggests that this is possible in principle. Therefore my question.

The answer is: No

The linked article suggests that this is possible in principle.

No, it does not:

  1. Please do read the big red box in the article. The text in the red box excellently explains why any “live enlarging” is a “bad idea™”.
  2. This article solely describes how to enlarge (though it consistently uses the term “resize”, which comprises both, enlarging and shrinking) a partition and a file-system on it, using unpartitioned space on mass storage.
    • SailfishOS uses LVM volumes (i.e. not partitions) to hosts its file-systems.
    • There is no generic, unused space on mass storage, hence one has to shrink something else, first.

Thanks! (20 characters)