How can I contribute to OSM project by entering POIs, shops, restaurants… into OSM database, using SFOS phone + OSM scout app?
Have installed OSM Scout navigation software and it works. What else do I need (other apps, account on Is it self-explaining when installed?
I believe you just need an account at and be patient since someone else needs to review your additions before it’s public.
Just today I talked with a friend about the map complete application
Is this SFOS or Android app?
edit: or would it be better (and/or, is it possible?) to use Pure Maps for this purpose?
possible with this Android app, I don’t know of any sailfish app that can do this
Hi. I usually record my activities with OSM Scout, adding waypoints with notes to collections… Then export the collection to gpx file, transfer it to computer and edit OSM data with JOSM tool.
But for the creating or modify the POIs, Organic Maps (android app) is enough and you can do it from the phone directly.