Q: How can I set tethering to give a client always the same IP address?

One of my SFOS phones (Xperia 10 / is my Internet gateway + VPN for all computers in the house. Problem is, that the WLAN clients (other SFOS phones) sometimes forget their setting to a fixed IP address and switch to DHCP. In this case, the gateway phone does NOT always give a client always the same IP address.
I would like to have always the same IP address on a device to allow peer to peer traffic using simply the target address. But unfortunately 1. SFOS phone forgets it’s IP setting every few days, and 2. gateway phone assigns not always the same address to a specific device but changes it also every few days.
What can I do to link a WLAN client’s MAC address permanently to get a spezific IP address from SFOS phone in tethering mode?

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If i were you, i would use a fritzbox with openwrt and usb-tethering, because it is more comfortable. But some bucks and extra power…

See here: connman - Sailfish OS
Look around in /home/.system/var/lib/connman/*/settings
possibly also /etc/connman/main.conf

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FWIW, and somewhat replying to mankir, I thought about repurposing a TV box or smart TV box as a wireless router for my mobile broadband connection, with Armbian. It has been done.

The directory /var/lib/connman/ doesn’t exist,
is it replaced by /home/.system/var/lib/connman/*/ in SFOS?

That’s what it looks like on my phone.

By looking at the code there is no option to do this as of now. There is a function to save leases but nothing implements anything for using it, nor they seem to be set again for the DHCP server.

This could be one of the things that can be improved on tethering controls, among the viewable list of clients, for example, which would be a requirement for this feature. I will not make any promises about schedules on these, though.


Thanks very much for clarifying this. So I stay on manual config on client side and re-do this if necessary (if client forgets its manual setting).

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